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Should I Let My Kids See Their Grandparents After a Fight Between My Husband and My Parents?

Should I Let My Kids See Their Grandparents After a Fight Between My Husband and My Parents?


A mom writes in asking for advice after her parents and her husband are no longer on speaking terms. However, while the husband remains mad at his in-laws, the mom and her parents have made amends. This means she also wants their children to start spending time with their grandparents again, despite her husband’s hard stance against it. Now she’s asking for advice on how to handle the messy situation.

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A member of the community asks:

“Question: My husband and I have two kids together ages 1 and 3 years old. Several months ago, he and my parents had an argument with each other just over the simple fact they don’t like each other (no actual fight broke out just angry words being said to each other. They have an on-and-off-again mutual relationship. We’ve been together for six years.)

Since their arguments happened several months ago, my husband has refused them to see our kids. I respected him long enough to not talk to my parents for so long, but recently, I have reconnected with them, and every time I bring them up, he fights with me every time being completely unfair and wants me to have nothing to do with them anymore. I want the kids to see their grandparents. They’ve always been so good to them and helped us, and I miss them. So my question is, despite my husband, do I have any rights or say to let my folks see the kids again?”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Is Stuck Between Her Husband and Her Kids’ Grandparents

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

It’s not fair for the parents to treat their children as pawns. One commenter explained, “If my spouse and parents don’t have a LEGIT reason to be fighting, I’m not picking sides. I’m not going to stop talking to my parents just because my [significant other] has a problem with them. And I’m not taking my children away from [their] grandparents who they love and who love them back!”

Another person wrote, “Simply put, it was an argument between the adults, not the kids. It’s not the kids’ fault so they should be allowed to see them.”

And one mom shared, “You have the right to see your parents without his consent. The children should know their grandparents, and they have laws now concerning grandparents’ rights. If he has a problem, he can stay home. He’s being juvenile.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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