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Mom Speaks Out After Getting Marketing Emails About ‘Shedding Baby Weight’ Right After Giving Birth

Mom Speaks Out After Getting Marketing Emails About 'Shedding Baby Weight' Right After Giving Birth

Kasha Rebant/Instagram

The first thing you want to do after giving birth is diet and hit the gym to lose weight, right? Um, of course, you don’t.

One mom, Kasha Rebant, recently posted on Instagram to share that she’s not only not thinking about losing her baby weight after having her third child, she’s also offended that she received a marketing email from about the best way to get your body back after having a baby.

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Mom Speaks Out After Receiving Emails About Losing Baby Weight Just Two Weeks After Giving Birth

“Two and a half weeks ago, I gave birth to my third baby,” the mom wrote. “Two and a half weeks ago I received multiple emails from about ‘shedding the baby weight’ and ‘getting your pre-baby body back.’ I struggled so much with my postpartum body before that I swore I wouldn’t let it happen again but honestly those emails triggered me.”

Rebant went on to question why the world puts so much pressure on moms and their weight immediately after they give birth. “What has this world come to that moms are pressured to look or feel a certain way immediately after having a baby?”

“Why does one think that postpartum automatically means dieting and weight loss? It’s tragic for the mental health of moms today and I’m definitely not immune,” she continued.

Rebant, though, isn’t going to let the ill-timed marketing campaign get her down. “So instead of lingering over those emails or the weight I see on the scale, I’m choosing to embrace this body that God used to bring my babies into my family.”

“Let’s just forget the naysayers and rock those pregnancy jeans as long as possible because life isn’t meant to be lived that way. Yes, these are still my pregnancy jeans and I have zero intention of even stepping foot into my pre-pregnancy clothes anytime soon. And you better believe my body is much stronger now than it was before, stretch marks and all.”

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Rebant’s followers were very supportive of her post, cheering her on from the comment section. Even Parents reached out to apologize for the email campaign.

“We’re so sorry you had this experience. We’d love to be able to track down the emails you received because we, as a brand, feel strongly opposed to any language that makes moms feel bad about their bodies. On the contrary, we strive to lift moms up when they need it the most,” the parenting website wrote to her.

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