Mamas Uncut

I Can’t Decide Whether to Send My Son Back to Daycare or Not Given COVID-19: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about whether she should send her two-year-old back into daycare. She says she was due to send him back part-time after the arrival of her new baby, but due to COVID-19 and the ongoing pandemic, she is unsure if that is wise. She loves having her son home with her and the baby, but she recognizes that he is missing friends and interaction at school. What should she do?

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A member of the community asks:

“Should I send my son back to daycare?

Where I live, daycares are slowly opening. I have to decide if I’m going to put my two-year-old back in. I just had a baby, and my son was supposed to be in part-time until I went back to work but so far since my maternity started, all of the COVID stuff happened, and he has been home with me which I am loving, but I know he needs friends and interaction. I am home until January would you keep him out as long as possible or let him go?”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Can’t Decide if She Should Send Her Son Back to Daycare in the Middle of the COVID-19 Pandemic

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

I Can't Decide Whether to Send My Son Back to Daycare or Not Given COVID-19: Advice?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“I would personally send him a day or two a week. My 4-year-old was doing so great in Pre-K, then this all started and I cannot even go to the bathroom without her getting upset I’ve left.”

“I wouldn’t set foot in a daycare if you paid me right now. I’m so glad my kids were already homeschool before this.”

“There are many ways to get him associated with other kids without daily interaction with people at daycares, etc. Libraries have story hours, or you could look up other things in your area. You would get to have much more control of what happens germ wise… as much as possible at least.”

“Keep him home. Daycare should only be used at this time if you have to work.”

“I work at a daycare I say let him do half days at least for the social piece … it’s honestly not as bad as people are making it out to be.”

“Keep him home and enjoy this extra time with him. I have four-year-old twins and a school-age child. Their daycare/school opened up and I lost their spots because I couldn’t send them when I had my other child at home and I was still working at home. It’s extra time I never would have had if COVID didn’t happen.”

“I work in a daycare, but I am not back yet because of my age. I do know that every precaution is being taken. Talk to your daycare and find out what precautions they are taking.”

“My 5-year-old son is at daycare 3 days a week. At my son’s daycare, before your child enters the building, they check for temperature and if he/she has a fever, runny nose, or any kind of symptoms, they don’t let them in, and can’t return until dr says they are okay. All the kids are separated in rooms by age, and they don’t come in contact with each other and they don’t have a lot of kids in each room. He’s been back in since they opened back up after the first shutdown. No one has been sick at his daycare either. It’s up to you for you to decide what you think is best.”

“Keep him home until you have to go back to work. Social interaction isn’t worth him getting sick and risking your newborn getting sick.”

“My kids have been going since April and have been fine! Life must go on.”

“I’d keep him home, I’m actually waiting to see if they will let parents choose to keep their older kids home from school to continue doing the distance learning because I want my 11-year-old home as well. I have an almost 4-year-old and want neither of my kids getting sick.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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