I’m Terrified of Having a Second C-Section: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about having a second C-section. She says she had an emergency C-section during her first delivery, which likely caused some trauma. Now that she is pregnant again, she is planning to have a scheduled C-section, but she is terrified. She says her anxiety is getting out of control, and she would like to hear from other moms who have been through this about their positive experiences in having a second, planned C-section.

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A member of the community asks:

“I am terrified of having another C-section: Advice?

I am due in November and am having my 2nd C-section. My first was an emergency due to his heart rate dropping during every contraction. I will have a scheduled C-section this time around and I am absolutely terrified.

I have a great support system but every time I express my fears everyone just tells me it’ll be fine and not to worry which doesn’t help much. I’m developing such anxiety thinking about it and really would just like to hear others’ positive experiences with scheduled C-sections. TIA.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Is Terrified of Having a Second C-Section

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Fan QuestionI am terrified of having another c-section: Advice?I am due in November and am having my 2nd c-section….

Posted by Mamas Uncut on Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Advice Summary

I'm Terrified of Having a Second C-Section: Advice?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“I had an emergency C-section with my daughter and then my next was a scheduled one. It was a lot easier going in; I knew what to expect and It wasn’t as painful as my first.”

“I had the exact same situation! If you had epidural with your first and then the heart rate issue started I will say be careful when you go in for c-section because I had a reaction to it then as well and my heart rate and my second baby’s dropped rapidly again. We both are completely ok it was just a bit scary because I saw stars and almost fainted. Now I know if I have another child to let them know that I am sensitive to the medication and what to expect.”

“I have had 2. My second one was so much easier to recover from than my first. In the end, it will be okay, but it is normal to have those fears and anxieties. It was easier going in the second time around.”

“I’ve had two. My second one went MUCH easier than the first, although both of mine were emergency ones. Healing process went much better with the second one as well.”

“I had an emergency C-section with my first and a scheduled with my second. Scheduled one was far easier. I wasn’t drugged up like the first time and recovery was way better overall. The operating room was calmer. Good luck!”

“I’m gonna be 100% honest with you. I had an anxiety attack before my second and third children and they were both scheduled C-sections. It is scary! Your fears are valid. But every C-section has been an easier recovery each time.”

“My first was an emergency as well. Just had my scheduled 3 weeks and ago and the whole experience was better. Nice and calm, planned. And recovery was 100% better. My emergency c section recovery was awful and LONG. I found myself very anxious before my second as well. But everything went great.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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