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Should I be Upset About Not Being Able to Walk My Child to Class?

Should I be Upset About Not Being Able to Walk My Child to Class?

A mom writes in asking for advice. She is upset because she is not allowed to walk her child to his class anymore. Her son started preschool recently and has social anxiety. She walked him to class for the first week and everything was okay. During the second week, the school counselor stopped her from walking him to class. Instead, she grabbed him and tried carrying him to class despite his screaming. The counselor feels he needs to learn to go to school without his mom. However, he is only three. Any advice for this mom?

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A member of the community asks:

“My 3-year-old son just started preschool two days a week to help with his sensory issues and social anxiety. The first week I walked him to his class, he didn’t want me to leave. But with a little distraction, he was okay. The second week I go to walk him to his class and the school counselor stopped me and said we don’t allow parents to walk their kids to class anymore.

So, she tries to take my son to his class and he screams. So she rudely just tried to carry him then. She picks him up, he’s screaming yelling mommy, and drops his lunchbox. So I grabbed him from her and said no and I took him to his class. They say he needs to learn to come into school without me. He is 3! Am I wrong to be upset about this?”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Upset with the School

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary


Comments for this mom was very split. Many felt she had the right to be upset that she couldn’t walk her son to class anymore. One shared, “I understand the concept of letting them go on their own after a certain time but if my child was that upset, I would want to walk him to class too.” Another said, “You are not wrong. He is only three years old and no one has the right to tell you that you cannot take him to class.”

Others agreed with these comments and this mom. One commented, “No you’re not wrong. Maybe you should find another school,” while another agreed and said, “That is uncalled for. The teacher should be reprimanded for doing such a horrible thing to a little three-year-old because he could be scarred for life never want to go back to school. I agree 100% with you.”

Others felt this was a normal thing in schools nowadays. Some shared similar experiences. One said, “We were in the same spot a few years ago. Lots of daycares have this rule because parents linger making it worse. Prep him. This nice lady is going to walk you to class and I’ll be here as soon as you’re done.” Another shared, “My son’s school is the same way. My best advice is to build a bond between him and his teachers.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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