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My Son’s Teacher Embarrassed Him In Front of His Class; Made Him Put on Deodorant at School. What Should I Do?

My Son's Teacher Made Him Put on Deodorant at School: What Should I Do?

A mom writes in asking for advice. Her son’s teacher forced him to put on deodorant at school one day, claiming he smelled. He’s 11 years old and in 6th grade. OP says her son wears deodorant every day and does not have body odor, but her son’s best friend, who was also singled out by this teacher does because he has to wear a less effective kind of deodorant due to a medical reason. Her son now does not like his teacher and doesn’t want to go to class. Any advice for this mom?

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A member of the community asks:

“My son came home Friday from school with a note saying he and two other boys in his class need deodorant. He said in class his teacher approached all three and said they have body odor so she sent them to the nurse for deodorant. My son refused to put it on because he already wears deodorant every day. He said his best friend has a medical issue so he wears a special kind. He didn’t tell the teacher it wasn’t him when placed on the spot because he didn’t want his friend laughed at or made fun of alone. She wanted him to bring deodorant with him today and to put it on when she tells him to make sure he is wearing it.

I’m a big stickler about hygiene. I watch my son apply deodorant every morning along with brushing teeth, hair, etc. I called the school and am waiting on a call back. My son doesn’t want to even go to class because he doesn’t like his teacher anymore and she embarrassed him. He’s 11yrs old and in 6th grade. What would you guys do? Should I call the school board? Also, there is a special app I have to communicate with the teacher. I feel she should have notified me via app not a note with all the boy’s names.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Having Trouble with Her Son’s Teacher

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary


Advice for this mom whose son’s teacher forces him to put on deodorant at school was mixed. Some thought it was a problem that should be dealt with while others felt it was normal for this particular age group. One commenter shared, “That should be discussed in a private setting for sure. Did she say they had to put it on in front of her for the whole class to hear? I would demand my child be put in another class for such humiliation!”

Others agreed with this commenter that things need to be taken care of. One said, “Call a meeting with the principal and the teacher. Move your child to another class if a resolution cannot be made.” Another agreed by saying, “She is a bully! She should not have called any of them or any student for that matter out on the spot. That opens the door for other kids to pick on them and lets them think it’s okay and they can get away with it.” Others shared similar feelings on how the teacher should be fired for this type of behavior.

However, many other comments disagreed. They felt like it was nothing wrong and it was normal for middle schoolers. One commented, “Well, I wouldn’t get too upset over it. Body odor is a natural thing that happens as kids get older and closer to puberty. Just take your son to the store and get whatever kind that works for you guys. I would write the teacher back and tell her that you will not be making him take it to school so he can put it on in front of her, but that he should be taking it school so that he can put it on after PE. The teacher is not wrong for letting you and the kids know. She is just wrong in her delivery.”

Another shared, “I think the teacher is just trying to secretly inform you that 11 year olds coming back from recess and having been out in the sun, need deodorant, especially boys. My daughter wore it at that age too. I think the teacher is just trying to be proactive in the approach versus other kids learning of it then bullying your son and the other two boys.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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