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Community Question: Is It Normal to Worry This Much About SIDS?

Sleeping Baby, SIDS

Sleeping baby, mom worried about SIDS

Over on the Mamas Uncut Facebook page, our robust community of moms is always having a conversation about topics that matter. We like to highlight those conversations from time to time. Important questions. Thoughtful answers. This is our Community Questions feature!

A member of our community asks:

This might be a silly question, but I am a first time mom.
My daughter is almost 7 months old, so she is past the stage where SIDS is most common, but I still constantly check on her when she’s sleeping especially at night (she sleeps through the night and has since 3 weeks) she sleeps in a crib, in her own room, no blankets or pillows of any kind, and just a sleep sack. Is it normal for me to worry this much, or could it be a sign of PPD?

– Mamas Uncut Facebook Community Member

After sharing this question with the Mamas Uncut Facebook community, many people chimed in with really great advice. Here are 7 of our favorite answers.

It’s a Mom Thing

“I have a 7-year-old and a 3-year-old. I still wake up to check on them every single night. You’re a mom. The worrying will never end.”

The Endless Cycle

“I always check my baby, then I will get all comfy in bed and feel like I need to check on her again I think it’s pretty normal.”

Those Long Nap Worries…

“Normal. I freak a little when my 15-month-old sleeps in or takes a long nap.”

Baby Monitor Blues

“My son is 17 months and I still watch his baby monitor like a hawk.”

Don’t Lose Sleep Over It

“It’s normal, but I don’t check anymore now that I’ve done it multiple times otherwise I won’t get any sleep. As is I don’t get enough.”

Doesn’t Just Apply to Kids

“I agree! I check on my 18-year-old, my 13-year-old, and my husband. No joke!”

Something to Look Forward To

“You’ll be doing it the rest of your life lol… I still check in on my older girls they’re 11 & 12.”

See more answers to this question (or submit your own) here.

Is it just us, or did a clear consensus form? Don’t be hard on yourself, Mama! You’re just worried about normal mom things. Keep up the good work, and thank you for your question!

Do you have a question you’d like answered? Submit it to the Mamas Uncut Facebook page, and we may feature it along with some of the best answers on this site! You can remain completely anonymous while still getting the information and support you need from other moms who know what it’s like.

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