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My Mother-in-Law is Threatening to Take Away My Baby: What Should I Do?

My Mother-in-Law is Threatening to Take Away My Baby: What Should I Do?

A mom writes in asking for advice. Her mother-in-law is threatening to take away her little baby girl. Both her boyfriend and she are in their early 20’s and both in school. They have gotten a system down to still get things done and take care of her while going to school. When her mother-in-law saw their system, she called DCF because she didn’t like the system and wants to take away their baby. Any advice for this mom?

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A member of the community asks:

“My boyfriend and I are both in our 20’s, and we just had a baby girl two months ago. We aren’t the best since we’re both in school, work so we work around each other so one of us is always watching her. Well, the other night, his mom came and spent the night and saw how we run the place. Which is: we get up and get ready. One stays with her and the other works. When we stay with her, we get what we need down, like homework, house chores, food shopping, and all.

Well, apparently she doesn’t like how we’re running our lives and told us both to quit school because we had the chance and we lost it since we had the baby. She goes on to say that she has “ proof” that we neglect our daughter and called DCF. They literally came over!

I need to know what the heck to do because now DCF is involved because she told them she found bruises on her. Yet the two small ones she has was from her doctor’s appointment when they gave her shots and both of us we’re there. I kicked her out of our place and haven’t said anything to her.

My boyfriend is worried about the possibility of our daughter getting taken away because his mom is a lier. I know we’re young, but we are taking advantage of our daughter being young to get the rest of our stuff together. We’re doing it for our daughter.”

 Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Whose Mother-in-Law Is Threatening Her Baby

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

Most commenters told this mom not to worry about her mother-in-law threatening to take her baby away. Many said that her case will close and they can move on. One shared, “They will ask some questions and look around because that’s their responsibility. They may want to check the child for bruises, but they can tell when it’s a shot from the doctor or something more. If they don’t find anything you will receive something in writing stating that the case closed.”

A lot of comments told this mom to cut her mother-in-law from her life. One said, “Cut her from your life immediately! And DCF will investigate but I’m sure you will be fine.” Another agreed, “Do not let her around you or your daughter at all. Keep her away, get a restraining order. If she’d do that, who knows what else she is capable of.”

Others encouraged this mom. One commented, “Of course they have to follow up on the claim. I hope they do that’s their job. If you have nothing then hide then you have nothing to worry about.” Another shared, “Sounds like an open-shut case to me. They should all be happy you’re both in school together, making it work with a baby. Truly an inspiration as I dropped out.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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