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Does it Make Me a Bad Person If I Don’t Want to Accept Used Baby Items?

Does it Make Me a Bad Person If I Don't Want to Use Used Baby Items?

A mom writes in asking for advice. She wonders if other people would consider her a “bad person” because she doesn’t want to use used baby items. The thought of using those items simply makes her uncomfortable. She can’t really explain it, but would love others’ perspectives on the situation. Any advice for this mom?

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A member of the community asks:

“Am I a preppy/ horrible person for not wanting used baby items for my newborn? I always get weird looks when I say I don’t want used stuff. It’s not that I think I’m better than that or anything like that. I come from a pretty poor family and I’m still on the lower end of the middle class. It just weirds me out and makes me genuinely uncomfortable. I honestly don’t know how to explain it better. Just looking for some honest input.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Uncomfortable with Used Items

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary


Advice for this mom is controversial. Some felt that it wasn’t bad to use used baby items while some felt new is good, too. However, no commenter called her a bad person for it. One said, “Some things can be pre-owned, but some things need to be new. You will learn.” Another shared, “Take hand me downs and give them to a mother that absolutely cannot afford new items!”

Others shared their personal experiences with this situation. One commented, “I refuse to take hand me downs from people I don’t know because I don’t know if it is clean, or if they smoke, etc.” Another shared, “I get weird looks from my in-laws at times and also my own family. I don’t think toys should be old. I personally don’t like used clothes either. You do what you think is best. ”

Others felt that some things could be used. One said, “Crib, car seat absolutely. And for big items like a jumper and swing that are so expensive but used for a short time.” Another commented, “Accept the free stuff you need. You’ll need to save your money for things like diapers. Change up the used stuff with a good clean and do something to upcycle it.”

Ultimately, the commenters say that it is up to her. If she doesn’t want to accept used baby items, it does not make her a bad person. One said, “It’s your choice, but the gently used item should be okay, and it certainly saves a little money.” Another commented, “Ultimately, it’s your choice. I don’t think that makes you stuck up or anything. People have preferences.” A commenter said, “But to be completely honest, it saves you a lot of money. Especially if your kid grows fast as mine did.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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