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I Left My Boyfriend and Baby Daddy Since He Was Still Talking to His Ex: Is that Wrong?

I Left My Boyfriend and Baby Daddy Since He was Still Talking to His Ex: Is that Wrong?

A mom writes in asking for advice. Her boyfriend and the father of her child still talks to his ex. This mom is deeply hurt about it. So, she tried talking to her boyfriend about it. However, he didn’t care. When she gave him an ultimatum, he slapped her, so she left. Now she wonders if she made the right decision. Any advice for this mom?

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A member of the community asks:

“I need help. My boyfriend and I have a sweet baby together, but he still talks to his ex. She has her own family and life but ever since we had our baby, she has been annoying and weird. I’ve told him about it and told him I wasn’t comfortable with it. He said he’d talk to her and figure it out.

Well it hit the point that I’m over it, and I told him it’s either our little family or her, he slapped me and walked away. Yes, I did leave with the baby. But I just wanna know if I’m wrong for what I did or doing to my baby. I love him, and I thought he felt it too but it seems to me that his ex is way more important. Please, I need advice on what to do now.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Hurt and Curious Mom

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary


Advice for this mom was all supportive of her decision to leave after her boyfriend slapped her. One shared, “One slap leads to more. Stay gone, you’re not wrong for what you did. You are protecting yourself and your baby.” Another agreed, “Good for you! How dare he lay a hand on you. It’s clear he still loves and has more respect for his ex. Stay away from that jerk. It’s only going to get worse.”

Others felt the same way and encouraged her to stay away from her boyfriend who is still talking to his ex. One said, “Be done. If he can’t even respect your feelings, which are 100% valid, you shouldn’t put up with that. Plus if he will get physical once he will more than likely do it again.” Another shared, “You are important, just not to him. You were right, but he just doesn’t care. Do not go back. If you do, that slap could get worst. You are better than this, you deserve better than this.”

Some commenters felt like she needed to get the police involved as well. One said, “He hit you. Ex or no ex, he hit you. Please file a police report because if you don’t and you try to bring it up later, it won’t count.” Another suggested, “Advice: call the police on your abuser and press charges. You’re a good mom and he wants to mess around. Not your fault. You deserve better.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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