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I Was Shunned for Not Covering Up While Feeding My Baby in Public by My Husband’s Grandparents: What Should I Do?

I was Shunned for not Covering up While Feeding my Baby in Public by my Husband's Grandparents. What Should I Do?

A mom writes in asking for advice. She and her spouse’s family went out to breakfast one morning to eat. While there, her daughter wanted to eat as well. With no private place to go to feed her, she fed her daughter uncovered there. Then, she was immediately scolded by her spouse’s grandparents for doing so. Any advice for this mom?

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A member of the community asks:

So I’m a little bothered and just need to vent, my fiance and 7-month-old daughter came down to Texas to visit his family, I never cover up when I breastfeed because my daughter hates it, and it makes her uncomfortable, (let alone in Texas, she’s not used to the heat, to begin with, and she gets hot under the cover) and in turn she doesn’t feed properly. I was told that when I’m around my fiance’s father I needed to cover. That’s not a problem, I just went into another room.

We went out to breakfast with his grandparents and my daughter wanted to eat. There was nowhere private for me to go aside from the restroom, so I went to feed my daughter and was scolded by his grandmother, “you need to cover up, we’re in a Christian town.” I’m just really bothered because I am a Christian but I believe a mother should be able to feed her child when and how she needs. These are the same women who chant about wanting to stop sexualizing breast, and yet they shun me for feeding my daughter.

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who was Shunned for Breastfeeding Uncovered in Public

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary


Almost all the advice for this mom revolved around her feeding her baby how she wants to and to not let their comments bother her. One commented, “tell the grandma that you appreciate her input and respect her, but how you are feeding your baby isn’t up to her in the end.”

Another mentioned to “tell them that you’re a Christian too and God would want her granddaughter to eat, so if they don’t like it they can leave or look away.” Other commenters had similar thoughts and said, “This is literally why we have breasts! They are to feed our children.”

However, there were some that agreed with the grandmother stating that she should have covered up or used some alternative methods. One commenter said, “It is not right in some places. You should have pumped and used a bottle.” Others agreed and also advised going to the bathroom or covering up because it is a public setting.

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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