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My Husband Left for a Whole Day Without Checking in: Should I be Mad?

I Think I Married My Husband To Soon: We Have Some Very Serious Problems-Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice. Her husband left for an entire day to have fun with friends without checking in on her and she got mad. She wonders if other women get mad or if she is the only one? It was for a fun trip, not a work trip, which makes a difference in her eyes, so she’s curious. Any advice for this mom?

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A member of the community asks:

“I have a question. If your husband left for over 24 hours (for fun, not work) and didn’t even bother to message and ask how your kids were doing would that annoy you? If I left for that long I would not be able to go that length of time without asking about them.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Upset at Husband

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary


The advice for this mom was actually very split. Some would be mad if their husbands left for a day without checking in on them. One said, “I don’t care if he’s having fun. I love to know how he’s doing, so check in on me. Not that I have no trust. I just want to know if things are going smoothly for him. It takes a few seconds to text, a few seconds more to call.” Another agreed, “Nothing wrong with checking in. It’s a matter of common courtesy.”

However, other commenters felt like there was nothing wrong with not checking in. One shared, “My husband does that all the time. He uses the old phrase, ‘no news is good news’. After 20 years you get upset, you worry but you get tired of fussing about it.” Another agreed, “Perhaps it’s a sign of his faith in your abilities as a wife and mother to handle things just fine for a day. It’s nice to have an occasional day for yourself and there is nothing wrong with that.”

Some commenters felt like it was dependent on the relationship. One commented, “Everyone’s relationship is different. If you’re upset, then that’s valid. But there are definitely situations in which this is perfectly acceptable too. The kids were with you, their mother, not like being babysat or something.” Another shared, “It depends on how often you communicate I guess. I would have a chat with him and express your feelings to him so you let him know it upset you.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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