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Community Question: Should I Bottle or Breastfeed?

Mom Breastfeeding Baby

Mother breastfeeding her little baby girl in her arms.

A first-time mom wants to know if she should breastfeed or try for the bottle straight away.

Over on the Mamas Uncut Facebook page, our robust community of moms is always having a conversation about topics that matter. We like to highlight those conversations from time to time. Important questions. Thoughtful answers. This is our Community Questions feature!

A member of our community asks:

FTM [First Time Mom]. To breastfeed or bottle feed? I’m leaning more toward the bottle since it seems more realistic for working mommas, but am worried that makes me a terrible mother straight out the gate. Honest opinions on both please.

Mamas Uncut Community Member

After sharing this question with the Mamas Uncut Facebook community, many people chimed in with really great advice. Here are 8 of our favorite answers.

Fed Is Best

“Fed is best. Doesn’t matter how. You do what works best for you and your family. As long as your baby is fed, happy, and growing it doesn’t matter!”

Give Breastfeeding a Try

“A fed baby is a happy baby, but give breastfeeding a try. You can always pump or just switch to the bottle once you go back to work.”

Whatever Works For You

“I did both. Nursed one for a year, nursed the second for 2-3 months and switched to formula. As long as your kids fed and healthy who cares. Don’t beat yourself up. Do what works for YOU.”

Breastfeeding =/= Terrific Mom

“I never breastfed and I know I’m a good mom. Do what you want and what you’re comfortable with!”

Benefits of Breastfeeding

“Maybe try to breastfeed. Even just to give baby colostrum. Helps their little immune system so much! If you decide you can’t do it or don’t like it, then go to bottle. As long as baby is full and happy, you’re doing great!!”

Breastfeeding Is Not for Everyone

“Breastfeeding isn’t for everyone. If it’s not something you think you could handle, that’s okay. You could always pump for baby and bottle feed. But, as long as baby is being fed & taken care of, fed is best. Be it breastfeeding/breastmilk or formula.”

Breastfeeding Has Benefits, But…

“Fed is best. Breastfeeding is factually more nutritional and the bond is wonderful, even if you only do it in the hospital or once you’re home. But you’re not a bad mom for formula feeding. There’s pumping as well. And just an FYI, formula can make babies gassier… Though again, fed is best.”

The Actual Golden Rule

“Feed your baby. Literally that’s it.”

Though it seems some people have preferences when it comes to breast vs. bottle, it seems the overwhelming consensus is actually very simple: Fed is best! No matter how you feed your baby, you are not a terrible mom. Do what works best for you!

Do you have a question you’d like answered? Submit it to the Mamas Uncut Facebook page, and we may feature it along with some of the best answers on this site! You can remain completely anonymous while still getting the information and support you need from other moms who know what it’s like.

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