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My Boyfriend Has My Car and Is Driving Drunk. Should I Report It Stolen?

My Boyfriend Has My Car and is Driving Drunk. Should I Report it Stolen?

A mom writes in asking for advice. Her boyfriend took her car and is driving drunk, so she wonders if she should report it as stolen, and cancel her insurance on it. They have two children together but lately, have split due to differences. He is now living with his cousin’s drinking and partying all the time. Any advice for this mom?

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A member of the community asks:

“We have a 1-year-old and I’m currently 22 weeks pregnant. In the last couple of weeks, he has been drinking every single day. A little over a week ago he left with his cousin and his cousin’s girlfriend and got so drunk he never came home. We got in a huge fight, and he begged me to give him another chance that he just wanted his family, so I took him back.

So, he promised to quit drinking and hanging out with his cousin because every time they hang out this happens. Things were going good for a week. Then, on Sunday he begged me to go drink a tall can with his cousin and he would come home after 1 beer. He never came home and ended up blocking me and going out of town with his cousin. The next day he messaged me begging to come home and have his family back.

I put my foot down and told him things needed to change. He hasn’t been home since. He’s supposed to be at his parents. I messaged him yesterday because he has our car that’s in my name as well as the insurance. I’m the only one that should be driving and I need our son’s car seat. He won’t respond and isn’t at his parent’s house. He’s out drinking and has no license. Would it be wrong of me to go cancel the insurance and report the car stolen, since he has a habit of getting so drunk and driving?

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Worried for Her Future

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary


The advice for this mom was very supportive. All comments told her to call the police on her boyfriend who stole her car and is now driving drunk. One said, “Call the police to explain the situation and they will protect you.” Another commented, “I would call the police and tell them what has happened. Don’t report it stolen because you let him take it.”

Others agreed and told her to end the relationship as well. She shared, “Call the police non-emergency number and report it. Say that he took it without asking, which is true. He has issues and you are being hurt and so is your son.” Some commenters shared similar experiences too. One commented, “I’d report him. Sorry, but drunk driving is very serious. I lost a friend to a drunk driver and she has just turned 18. How would you feel if he killed someone? Call the police and tell them about the situation.”

While all commenters told her to report it as stolen, lots said to not cancel the insurance. One said, “Don’t cancel the insurance and don’t report It as stolen since you allowed him to take it. I would call the police and make a report and they can be on the lookout for the car.” Some also told her to think about the consequences by saying, “I would. It would be really messed up if he got in an accident and killed someone. Could you live with that on your conscious knowing you knew he was driving drunk and did nothing to stop it?” 

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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