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I Just Found Out My Boyfriend is Cheating on Me and I’m Devastated: Any Advice?

I Just Found Out My Boyfriend is Cheating on Me and I'm Devastated: Any Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice. She recently found out her boyfriend is cheating on her and is devastated. They have been together for over six years and have a two-year-old daughter together. Someone called on his phone, so when she was handing it to her boyfriend, she saw it said ‘babe’ on the caller ID. She then told him to open up or leave, and he chose to leave. Now she’s hurt and doesn’t know what to do. Any advice for this mom?

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A member of the community asks:

“I’ve been in a relationship for six and a half years. We have a daughter she is almost two-years-old. Yesterday someone called my boyfriend. I handed him his phone but looked at who called him. The name was ‘my babe’ in our language. I couldn’t believe it.

I answered the video call and saw a girl showing her butt in a dress. The minute she saw me, she closed the call. I asked my boyfriend who it was but he said it’s nothing. I told him to open his phone right now, or he could leave. He left. This really broke my heart. I trusted him with blind eyes and can’t believe how stupid I am.

I don’t understand how he could do this to our family. He always acted normal and told me every day how much he loves me. He didn’t reach out to me at all so I can never understand why. I blocked him, but he didn’t even call to explain himself. I can never trust him again.

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Devastated Mom

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary


There was a lot of advice and support for this mom whose boyfriend is cheating on her and she has been left devastated. One shared, “Take it one day at a time and worry about your daughter! You don’t have to explain anything yet! You have every right to be upset and hurt!” One commented, “Stay strong. You did the right thing. It’s going to be hard at first but I promise it gets better.”

Another said, ” Your trust is broken, it never comes back. Never! You think you can or are trusting them, but you’re not. He did the deal breaker. Hold your head high and move forward as hard as it is. If she had his number he knew you would find out.” A commenter mentioned, “Don’t waste your words and time on him. Just block him and get custody so you can move on.”

Some commenters offered suggestions. One commented, “He left you, for whatever reason and that’s not acceptable for your heart’s sake. Take it as a sign and find a way to let him into his child’s life without you getting hurt.” Another shared, “Move on, he left which means you don’t mean much to him. You don’t want your child to think that it is okay to be in a relationship like that, so leave.”

Other commenters shared their personal experiences where their boyfriend was cheating on them and they were devastated. One shared, “My ex cheated on me and begged for another chance. Then he cheated again. A leopard never changes his spots.” Another said, “My ex did something very similar and I told him to leave and he left. Didn’t care didn’t explain, just left his two infant kids and me.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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