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I Think My 2-Year-Old Niece Is in an Unsafe Situation, What Should I Do?

I Think My 2-year-old Niece is in an Unsafe Situation, What Should I Do?

A mom writes in asking for advice. She thinks her 2-year-old niece is in a very unsafe situation due to her sister’s boyfriend and doesn’t quite know what to do. He helps her potty train when everyone else is sleeping. Her sister’s boyfriend finds situations to be with naked girls, and that really bothers this mom. Any advice for her?

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A member of the community asks:

“My 16-year-old sister has an 18-year-old boyfriend who she has only been with for two months. She has an almost 2-year-old daughter with another guy. Within the first month my mom let him move in with them and then I just found out that he has been trying to help potty train, my niece.

I’m shook over it because she barely even knows this loser and is letting him help her potty train her daughter. What kind of an 18-year-old boy wants to help potty train someone else daughter? And on top of that, this creep only helps in the mornings while my sister and mom are sleeping so that my sister doesn’t have to wake up and do it herself.

Well, I told my sister my concerns and that he really gives me bad feelings. She said that one night my 18-year-old sister got drunk, so she went to give her a cool shower to help her sober up. She got naked and started to act crazy. Apparently he tried to convince my 16-year-old sister to let him go in the bathroom and help her shower because he has “dealt with drunk people before.”

He literally looks for every opportunity to try to be a weirdo. I don’t know what to do. I feel like my niece isn’t safe around him and my sister and mom don’t care about her wellbeing. Please give me some solid advice before I just lose it on this guy.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Worried about Her Niece

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary


Advice for this mom was mainly in favor of her suspicions. Many commenters felt that her 2-year-old niece is indeed in an unsafe situation. One shared, “Trust your gut. Report it. Install cameras, do whatever you need to do to get these creep away from that baby girl” while another said, “Do what you have to do to keep that baby girl safe. Gain custody of her.”

Others felt like she should install cameras to figure out if her suspicions were indeed true. One commented, “Install nanny cameras or report it. I always trust my gut when it comes to creepy guys. Usually, if it feels wrong then it is wrong.” Another agreed, “I’d just keep a watchful eye out. He could just really care for your sister. Try to get ahold of some nanny cams until you have some factual evidence.” One said, “Huge red flags here! I’d be running surveillance to see what he’s really up to.”

Some commenters felt she was overreacting and that is really is just a nice guy. One said, “I think you’re overreaching here. He sounds like he wants to be in your sister and her daughter’s life for the long term and is trying to be helpful because he knows she’s very young and needs help.” Another agreed, “I think you’re overthinking things a bit. First of all there’s nothing sexual about potty training. He could just be a stand-up guy. Just trying to help.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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