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I’m Pregnant But Plan on Giving My Baby to a Family Member: Can I Legally Do So if I Have Postpartum Depression?

I'm Pregnant But Plan on Giving My Baby to a Family Member: Can I Legally Do So if I Have Postpartum Depression?

A mom writes in asking for advice. She recently became pregnant with her second child, and due to a variety of reasons, she wants to give the baby away to a family member who has fertility issues. This mom has been diagnosed with postpartum depression, and she wants to know if, legally, she can follow through with her plan to give her baby away.

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A member of the community asks:

“I am pregnant and giving my baby to a family member: Can I legally do that while having postpartum depression?

I’m 19 years old. I got pregnant with my son when I was 18 and gave birth at 18. I recently found out that I’m pregnant again even though I was taking birth control… it was nothing planned, and I’m not ready mentally for another child.

I struggle with postpartum depression. I’ve had it since my son was born. With that being said. I plan on giving this baby to a relative who can not have children due to cysts on her ovaries and she’s super excited and I know she can give this baby a good life for she is financially stable and all she’s ever wanted is to be a mommy. My question is: can I legally sign over my rights if I have postpartum depression? And opinions on my situation, am I wrong for not keeping the baby???

Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for this Mom with Postpartum Depression Wondering if She Can Legally Give Her Child Away to a Family Member

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

The community offered a range of advice to this mom, although most commenters applauded the mom for being “selfless.” Several commenters commended the woman for her bravery in making an incredibly tough decision. “I think you’re very brave and selfless for making that decision,” one response reads.

Another commenter shared her similar experience, saying, “I did this exact same thing. I wasn’t diagnosed with PPD. However, I firmly believe I was suffering. It was a very tough experience. She was my first baby but I was in no way ready for a baby. I too was 19, got pregnant when I was 18. Everything was legal and to the books. They never asked me if I was in any way suffering mentally. They just wanted to make sure I was doing this of my own accord. Hope this helps you.”

“What a selfless act. You are a great mom to give your baby a better life,” another commenter said, echoing the response of many others.

But other commenters felt differently. “I’m sorry but the fact that you are already second-guessing your decision sends off major red flags,” one commenter said.

Another offered this valuable insight: “You’re not wrong! That said, depression changes you and if this is a temporary depression than maybe you may regret it later when you’re feeling better.”

Several commenters also urged the mom to connect with a lawyer, who may have more specific and helpful information about the situation, and we’d have to agree with that.

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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