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Mom With Three Jobs Was Fed up When Son Wouldn’t Wake up for School — So She Called the Police

Mom With Three Jobs Was Fed up When Son Wouldn't Wake up for School — So She Called the Police

NBC 25/Screenshot||||

Michigan mom Crystal Towns works three jobs and cares for her two children. That means sticking to a schedule is crucial.

So she took some serious action when her 14-year-old son, Zachary, wouldn’t wake up for school recently, according to NBC 25.

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The teen had already been tardy to Grand Blanc West Middle School several times and Towns wasn’t about to let him get away with it again. She told the outlet:

“I woke him up. He thought he was just going to not go and I said ‘nope you’re learning today boy.'”

The mom warned her son in the past that she’d call his school’s resource officer if he wouldn’t get up again.

So she dialed up Officer Dan Wolschleger when he didn’t listen. Towns told NBC 25:

“I don’t have time in the morning to have him missing the bus and not waking up on time because his sister didn’t wake him up or his alarm clock didn’t go up so I had it this morning. I told him that if this kept occurring I would have to call the school cop and so that’s what I did.”

Soon enough, the officer showed up at the family’s door. Towns said:

“I called [the officer’s] cell phone and he answered and he came and got him, came to the door, knocked then told him “I’m here to take you to school and you are riding in the backseat.”

Zachary said he “wasn’t very shocked at all” when the police officer came because he’d been late to school so many times.

The teen admitted he should have just gotten up:

“I don’t think I should have pushed my mom’s limits because that’s the 100th time I’ve done it this year.”

And it seems Grand Blanc Township police were happy to help the mom out.

Police Chief Ron Wiles told Yahoo Lifestyle that their officers want to make sure the community’s students get the most out of school:

“They truly care about the students and often go above and beyond to help them and their families be successful.”

What do you think about the mom’s actions? Let us know in the comments.

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