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Mom of Newborn Pleads With People to Stay at Home as Her Husband Who Is an ER Doctor Self-Isolates in Garage for Their Protection

Mom of Newborn Pleads With People to Stay at Home as Her Husband Who Is an ER Doctor Self-Isolates in Garage for Their Protection


We cannot begin to imagine how stressful it is to be a healthcare worker right now. These heroes are putting their own lives on the line to save others, and they are also making heartbreaking sacrifices along the way. 

One Georgia mom, who is an epidemiologist, is opening up about what it’s like to be married to a doctor caring for patients who are testing positive for the virus. Her husband is currently treating patients at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta. 

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Dr. Rachel Patzer and her husband are raising young children in their home, including a 3-week-old infant. This means that the family has had to make difficult decisions when it comes to self-quarantining and lessening the risk of exposure. 

The couple came to the agreement that it would be safest if Patzer’s husband quarantined himself in the family garage to protect his wife and their children. 

Mom of Newborn Tells People to Stay at Home as ER Doctor Husband Self-Isolates in Garage

“We just made the difficult decision for him to isolate and move into our garage apartment for the foreseeable future as he continues to treat patients,” Rachel shared via Twitter. The mom went on to recognize the huge sacrifices that healthcare workers are making for all of us.

“It pains me to wonder how many weeks will go by that he won’t get to hold our new baby or see our older kids,” she wrote. “This is one example of the sacrifice that healthcare workers are making for our communities.” Patzer went on to say that she is currently homeschooling her kids while fearing for her husband’s safety. 

“As I attempt to home school my kids (alone) with a new baby who screams if she isn’t held, I am worried about the health of my spouse and my family. This was not how I envisioned my maternity leave, but I know things could be worse.”

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She then goes on to encourage people to take the current pandemic seriously and to stay at home. “It is difficult to see pictures of all the people at bars and restaurants, socializing, making play dates, and ignoring social distancing recommendations when I know my husband and many other healthcare workers are risking their lives to treat more sick patients.” 

We are so grateful for all of the healthcare and essential workers risking their lives each day. Wishing Rachel and her family good health and comfort during this difficult time.

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