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Mom Licks Ice Cream Cone Her Daughter ‘Accidentally’ Used as Toilet Paper

Mom Licks Ice Cream Cone Daughter Accidentally Used as Toilet Paper

There is no doubt that motherhood is a dirty job. Just ask Sidney Anderson, creator of the Facebook page Someone Hold My Beer. The hilarious mom of two couldn’t help but share the latest antics of her four-year-old daughter, Blakely

The Milledgeville, Georgia mama made us all cringe and cry with laughter as she recounted the relatable and disgusting moment she realized exactly why her daughter had discarded a highly-coveted McDonald’s treat. 

“I got Blakely an ice cream cone (yes the McDonald’s machine was working),” her story begins. “Well she walks into the living room and hands me her cone (half eaten like everything I give her) and I know all you moms have been there.”

“I ask her: ‘what’s wrong?’ And she says: ‘Is it okay?!’”

“At this point I’m scared b/c I don’t know what just happened. I think maybe she dropped it in her room and was scared to say. We stand there looking at each other and the ice cream cone. And this fool says: ‘I accidentally wiped my butt with it.’”

“Excuse me?!! With this ice cream cone I just licked?! Wtf!! I am coming unglued…so I ask this child ‘How do you accidentally wipe your butt with an ice cream and WHY did you give it to me to eat????’


“She looks me dead in my face and says ‘I used the wrong hand to wipe but it was just pee mommy’ 

“DONE! Someone come get these kids. I cannot even handle it. If y’all need me I’ll be washing my mouth out with Clorox.”


Anderson’s disgusting-yet-relatable post has gone mega-viral on Facebook, amassing almost 200,000 comments and more than 300,000 shares.

We all know what it’s like to live off of our little one’s food scraps, but maybe next time we’ll take a moment to pause and evaluate the situation before diving in.

And in related news, we’ll never be able to look at a McDonald’s ice cream cone the same way ever again…

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