Mamas Uncut

Mom Recalls Harrowing Story Of Leaving 2-Year-Old Daughter In Backseat of Car

In 2017, Britta Eberle recalled the moment she forget a child in a car — a day that is forever etched in her memory.

Eberle, who lives in rural Vermont, went to a friend’s farm on July 2 with her husband, son, and daughter. And as soon as they arrived, friends and family were running back and forth from cars to the friend’s home, bringing in food and other items. However, with all the back and forth, their 2-year-old Ada was left in the car.

“In our excitement we all darted out, assuming that someone else had grabbed the youngest member of our clan,” Eberle wrote in a post on her blog.

Ada sat alone in the car for about 20 minutes before Eberle realized something was off. She soon realized her daughter wasn’t with the group and she did not recall taking her out of the car. Just as she ran to get her, Eberle’s sister came in carrying her niece, who was crying, but unhurt. She’d told her aunt, “My mommy’s coming to get me,” Eberle told the outlet.

And hearing those words, broke the mother’s already bruised heart.

The temperature in Vermont that day was in the 60s and it was pouring rain. Thankfully, Ada was not hot when she was taken from the car.

However, according to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, even if the temperature is in the 60s outside, it’s possible for a car’s interior to heat up to well above 110 degrees. It takes just 10 minutes for the temperature in a car to go up 20 degrees Fahrenheit. In 2021, 23 kids died in hot cars, according to the National Safety Council.

If You See A Child In A Hot Car, What Do You Do?
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Eberle is hyperaware of the potential outcome she escaped that day.

“You go through all the what-ifs,” she told the outlet. “I didn’t think I was capable of forgetting her like that.”

And like many other parents, Eberle had read stories about parents who forgot their children in the car and who weren’t as lucky as her on that fateful day.

“I’ve always felt so bad for those parents,” she said. “Those (fatal) stories, there’s always a slight change in plan,” she said. “(And that day) it wasn’t the way I normally think or act.”

She was unsure about posting about the incident in a blog post due to being shamed or judged.

“There are no excuses for what I did,” she wrote. “And part of me doesn’t want to share this. I don’t want the world to know how badly I’ve failed. But then I think that I have to share this. I have to own up to my mistakes. I have to tell the world how far I am from perfect. And how if I did this, anyone could do this. And that scares me, but also makes me judge a little less and makes me pay attention a whole lot more.”

Most of the comments, thankfully, have been supportive.

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“I think a lot of real dedicated parents have made the same mistake,” she said. However, not all folks were as kind, and many were quick to pass judgement, saying the mother should not be a caretaker after the one-time incident.

“They don’t know me,” Eberle said. “Anyone who knows me knows I always put my kids first.”

While putting Ada to sleep that night, Eberle was reminded again of just how lucky her family was.

“Tonight I snuggled my baby girl to bed,” she wrote. “I read her a story, turned out the light, and stayed beside her listening to her breath go deeper and slower as she fell asleep. And felt so incredibly lucky. We are always so much closer to the end than any of us realize.”

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