Mamas Uncut

Mom Forced to Isolate with Emotionally Abusive Husband Mid-Divorce Shares Her Story

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An anonymous woman recently posted to the Breaking Mom subreddit to share her struggles about being in isolation with her emotionally abusive husband during a divorce.

The original poster (OP) shared how she had been asked to work from home until April and her daughter is out of school.

Both she and her soon-to-be-ex-husband are currently under the same roof during the divorce process and due to the pandemic the world is battling, the courts have shut down essentially — halting what the OP calls “much-needed upcoming custody hearings in our divorce.”

Anonymous Mom Speaks To Being Isolated With Emotionally Abusive Husband During Divorce
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The OP describes her ex as a “nasty narcissist drunk.”

The OP then revealed an incident that happened while skiing with her 8-year-old daughter. The girl got caught in a ski tow rope and was dragged along the snow until the cord broke. And while she was okay, it left a red mark on her neck. Upon arriving home and after her daughter went to sleep, the OP’s ex “lit” her up, calling her “an irresponsible, mediocre mom,” along with other choice expletives, according to AmanDog2020.

In addition, she also shared: “photo evidence of him having three empty fifth bottles in his drawer Friday night when he left out of nowhere when we were all shut down for bed. Then, there being four bottles at 9 a.m. the next morning when he left to go buy us breakfast before our ski day. So, basically a fifth consumed inside less than 12 hours.”

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The worried mother also revealed how her daughter experienced the abuse from her father.

The OP revealed that he allegedly taught their daughter how to drive a four-wheel-drive ATV while he was intoxicated.

“She punched the gas trying to make a sharp turn down a very short but steep hill,” she wrote. “They shot across the road and crashed into trees. She had bruises all up and down her back and legs and the top layers of skin were completely ripped off her forearm. He would never admit it, and I can’t prove it, but I have to believe he’d been drinking that day.”

It goes without saying but the home is a toxic one and unfortunately, the global pandemic is forcing them to remain among each other.

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Trying to survive living in this house is bad any day. I wasn’t prepared for an apocalypse where I’m forced to die alongside this piece of s–t,” the OP wrote. “I really hope we can keep the divorce moving along through this scary time because living with him is quite frankly a disease in itself.”

And while the OP originally shared details of a potential Zoom court hearing, according to an edit, all proceedings have been postponed until May and June.

If you or someone you know is living in an unsafe situation, the National Domestic Violence Hotline allows victims to speak confidentially with trained advocates online or by the phone, which it recommends for those who think their online activity is being monitored by their abuser (800-799-7233). They can help survivors develop a plan to achieve safety for themselves and their children.

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