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Mom Horrified to Learn Beloved Nanny Was Secretly Breastfeeding Her Child—Among Other Things

One mom thought she had the perfect nanny. But that quickly changed when she learned what the nanny was secretly breastfeeding her child while watching them.

The Reddit user NannyMomDilemma wrote that her children’s nanny has been with them since her first child was six months old. After the first nanny they had chosen to help them watch over their children didn’t work, their neighbor’s then-20-year-old daughter was more than willing to step up on short notice and help out.

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“My kids are in love with this girl and I’d be lying if I said she wasn’t a blessing to our family,” the Reddit user wrote. “I wanted someone who would love my kids as if they were their own and she does just that and then some.”

However, it became very apparent to the mom just how much her nanny was willing to do for them after a recent conversation they had. “I mentioned that I don’t produce much milk which forces me to rely on donor milk to feed my son. She was very sympathetic and inquisitive about the situation, and I was happy to answer all of her questions while simultaneously thinking nothing of it.”

Mom Horrified to Learn Beloved Nanny Was Secretly Breastfeeding Her Child—Among Other Things

Mom Horrified to Learn Beloved Nanny Was Breastfeeding Child

Although the Reddit user has nanny cameras throughout the house, she wrote that she never felt compelled to check them because of the level of trust she has for her children’s nanny. Nonetheless, after having a bad day, the mom decided to bring up the cameras in order to see what her children were up to in hopes of boosting her mood.

What she saw was her “nanny was sitting on my bed, rocking my son, and attempting to breastfeed him.”

“I almost felt sick, it just seemed so inappropriate. I decided to wait until I got home to confront her about it, and when I asked she was incredibly apologetic. She said she wanted to help me because of my milk production issues and never meant any harm.”

The mom continued adding that she’s “torn because she’s a great girl and my kids are so well taken care of, but now I’m concerned about what other things I’ve missed. I don’t have many other options as far as nannies go, but I’m thinking about letting her go because of this.”

She then asked if she would be an a**hole for letting her go, even after learning that for some reason the nanny would unplug the bedroom camera while putting one of the children down for a nap. It’s also unclear how many times the nanny was secretly breastfeeding her child.

“After reviewing our recordings this wasn’t the first time she attempted to breastfeed my son, among a few other questionable things (closing my daughter in the pantry, leaving my son in the backyard unattended, etc). Acting on a suggestion given to me by a few comments, I went through my room to see if anything was missing. A couple of my son’s first outfits (first onesie, first halloween costume) were gone as well as a small blanket that belonged to my daughter, and a box of old baby clothes I was going to donate. These were returned to me by her father minus the blanket because she can’t find it.”

Ultimately the mom made the decision to let her go, at the advice of those in the comments section. “Uhhh… does she have any reason to believe that she could produce more milk than you,” one commenter asked. “I’ve worked as a nanny. This is beyond inappropriate. You need boundaries in place, like, yesterday. If you decided to fire her in order to set that boundary, I won’t be mad at you.”


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How would you have handled this particular situation?

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