Mamas Uncut

Mom With Sons Confused Why She Keeps Finding Scrunchies In Her Dryer

Emily Covington/Facebook

One mom couldn’t understand why she kept finding scrunchies in her dryer, especially because she didn’t have daughters or sons with long hair. Being a parent means being on your toes at all times. This is particularly true once your child begins attracting romantic interest.

Mom Emily Covington finally asked her middle school son if he knew what was going on with the scrunchies. Turns out he did, and the explanation was so surprising to Covington that she decided to share what she’d learned with other middle school parents.

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Son Scrunchies Dryer
Tessa Wilson/Unsplash

Back in September, Covington took to Facebook to issue a public service announcement to all “ALL MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRL MOMS.” Covington explained in her PSA that she helped solve the mystery behind why young girls are always losing their scrunchies…

It’s because the girls are giving the hair ties to their crushes. The crushes are then apparently stuffing them in the pockets of their jeans and sweatshirts and not removing them before throwing their clothes in the laundry. And then … the scrunchies being found in the “dryer of every boy Mom’s home.”

“PSA to ALL MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRL MOMS! Are you tired of wasting money on hair scrunchies? Feel like you’re buying them every week? Wondering why your daughter can’t keep up with them? Well, let me let you in on a little secret. ….They are being found in the dryer of every boy Mom’s home. I’m about to start a lost and found page for them on Facebook or better yet return them to school with a love note for me.

Apparently it’s cool to give your scrunchie to someone you think is cute, below is a stash that we have racked up just this week. So basically stop wasting your money and clogging up my dryer.”

After Covington’s post went viral, the mom admitted she was happy to learn she’s not alone. Nearly 48,000 people have since shared Covington’s post, and handfuls more added comments thanking her for explaining why they kept finding scrunchies amongst their sons’ stuff.

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One fellow “boy mom” wrote, “Girl, yes!!! Colt came home with 4 on his arm. I told him to give them back.” Then another said, “Oh my goodness!! I thought I had girls sneaking over or something…they are everywhere!” Yet another added: “This explains why I keep finding Claytons stuff with scrunchies. Teagan has close to 100 but none of the ones I’ve found are hers lol.”

Even “girl moms” learned something from the post. As one wrote, “Omg our girl came home with her boyfriend’s hoodie today and out of the blue said, ‘I want to get some scrunchies!’ Now I know why!”

Covington joked that her son eventually told her about the hoodie exchange a few days later. She told her son, “Welp, you will freeze your *** off if you give all yours away. He better be sure to get them back if he wants warmth. Lol.” A hoodie for a scrunchie? Looks like the girls are winning this round.

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