Mamas Uncut

Mom Faces Backlash for Teaching Her Son How to Cook and Clean and Her Reason Why Is Something We All Need to Read

When it comes to household chores, it shouldn’t matter what gender you are. A household is just that, a cohesive place where everyone does what they can to keep things running smoothly. At least, that’s what this mom preaches.

So when a mom reportedly showed pictures of her son doing chores, and she received some backlash, we knew her explanation was something everyone needed to hear.

Mom Faces Backlash for Teaching Her Son How to Cook and Clean and Her Reason Why Is Something We All Need to Read

Mom Faces Backlash for Teaching Her Son How to Cook and Clean and Her Reason Why Is Something We All Need to Read

While the original post can’t be tracked down, the mom’s response has gone viral several different times over the years. And more than ever, it’s something we need to be reminded of today.

“I educate my son on how to cook and perform housework. Why? Because housework isn’t exclusive to women,” the mom began her statement.

As she continued she wrote, “Because one day he might be a single man living alone, who knows how to do laundry and not order takeout every night. Because he might wish to wow a significant other one day with a supper he prepared himself.” 

The mom added that she wants her son to be self-sufficient, not only for himself, or a significant other, but also if he has kids of his own one day. Kids he can pass this knowledge down to as well.

“Because one day, when he has children and a spouse, he’ll have to pitch in around the house. Because I’ll be leaving behind a generation of people who complain that education didn’t teach them how to cook, do laundry, wear a tie, or pay taxes. Because it is up to me to teach my son how to accomplish these things and be a useful member of society both within and outside the house.”


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And to the people who complained that she wasn’t letting her child be a child, she responded to that by saying, “It’s okay to let your child be a child while teaching them life lessons. Cooking and chores will never be too ‘manly’ for my son.” 

“He’ll be the type of guy who can come in from changing a tire to see how his pot roast is doing. Who can do his laundry and mow the lawn at the same time?”

The mom then concluded her statement by saying, “Keep in mind, parents, that a man who believes he shouldn’t have to cook or do housework was once a youngster who was never taught any better.” Preach, mama!

Do you agree with her?

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