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I Think My Daughter Needs to Go to the Doctor, but Her Father Refuses to Take Her: What Can I Do?

I Think My Daughter Needs to Go to the Doctor, but Her Father Refuses to Take Her: What Can I Do?

A mom writes in asking for advice. Her 5-month-old daughter is sick with what the mom believes to be a very bad cold. Her daughter, who was born premature and has a compromised immune system, has been dangerously sick before. Unfortunately, due to the current custody arrangement between this mom and the girl’s father, she is unable to take her daughter to the doctor herself; the girl’s father would have to take her, and he refuses. Let’s see what advice the community has for this mom in need.

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A member of the community asks:

“I feel like my daughter needs to go to the doctor and her father is refusing to take her: What can I do?

I have a question for you, ladies. I need advice on what to do. Okay, so my daughter is about five months old. She is with her father right now until court next month. I have joint legal custody and visitation. She has a HORRIBLE cold. I’m very scared and feel helpless right now. He doesn’t want to take her to the doctor.

She is already immune-compromised due to a very bad illness when she was very little. And she is a preemie, so that contributes to the immune-compromised situation. She needs to go to the doctor, but her father won’t take her. What should I do ??

I’m so scared because when she had her illness a few months back, she was on a breathing tube for several days. As I said, I have joint legal custody so I can call the doctor and make the appointment, but I can’t take her because I only have visitation. What should I do? I’m very worried. Please give me advice, mommas.”

Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Thinks Her Daughter Needs to Go to the Doctor, but the Girl’s Father Won’t Take Her

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

The community had a lot of advice to offer this mom. Many people felt this mom’s best course of action would be to contact CPS and report this in order to have them perform a welfare check on her daughter while she is with her father. “Call CPS and police for a wellness check,” one person said.

On a similar note, another commenter suggested, “Since it’s the weekend call the police, ask to speak to a supervisor, explain about her health issues, she may need a breathing treatment. My preemies did when they had colds. Get a police report, it will go in your favor in a custody hearing.”

Other commenters suggested the mom call the doctor directly to get more information. If the doctor feels that the girl should be seen, perhaps the mom could use that as leverage with the dad to get him to take her.

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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