Mamas Uncut

Mom’s Viral Parody of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ Is Exclusively For Parents Stuck In Quarantine

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If you consider yourself a grown-up, chances are, you have read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and a lot, especially if you are a new parent.

But one mom created her own version of the book that has since gone viral, titled appropriately in the midst of this pandemic, F—ing Tired Lock-Down Mommy.

Mom Creates Viral Parody Of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'
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If you are foggy on the story, the original book depicts a tiny caterpillar with a large appetite.

One morning, he pops out of an egg as the sun comes up and as the readers follow the little guy throughout the week, he eats his way through a lot.

But each day, he continues to find himself absolutely starving until he eats his way through so many things that he goes to bed with a stomachache.

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And the next day, he begins to feel better and wraps himself in a cocoon where he stays there for over two weeks until he emerges again as a big, beautiful butterfly.

The book depicts the life cycle of one of the world’s smallest creatures using educational themes such as counting and colors.

London-based illustrator Marti MW knows the story well.

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She has read it to daughter Maya so many times that it has since become stuck in her head.

“One day, while brushing my teeth after another long, quarantine day I thought that I can relate to the caterpillar on the cover, as I’m now a very hungry mommy all the time,” she wrote in a Facebook post on June 6. “That was the first idea of the book.”

And over the course of a month, she began to sit down and rewrite (and redraw) the story one page at a time. Since Marti first shared her parody in early June, it has been reshared thousands of times. Read on and enjoy the fun twist!

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