Mamas Uncut

I Tested Positive for COVID-19 and Am Terrified of Passing It to My Kids: Advice?

I Tested Positive for COVID-19 and Am Terrified of Passing It to My Kids: Advice?

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QUESTION: I Tested Positive for COVID-19 and Am Afraid I Am Going to Pass It to My Kids: Advice?

“I have tested positive for COVID-19. I’m terrified of my kids getting it… I have a four-month-old and a five-year-old. Wtf do I do, guys?

I’m freaking out and I feel myself get weaker as the night goes on; I can’t smell… losing my taste, and energy is fading. I have no cough or fever… but I’m so scared of my babies getting it because they have already been exposed to me.

Ease my mind. Help me through this, please. I know there has to be someone in this group who’s been in this situation.”

RELATED: My Child’s Daycare Provider Tested Positive for COVID-19: What Should I Do?

I Tested Positive for COVID-19 and Am Terrified of Passing It to My Kids: Advice?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“I had COVID-19. My 5 year old has chronic asthma and my daughter is 3. Mind you, my husband also has an auto-immune disease. Obviously, I was unable to isolate myself from any of them. Not a single one got even a runny nose. Now I’m not trying to downplay anything, but we were all good.”

“My husband and I caught COVID-19, but our kids were never sick! No fever or cough or anything. Perfectly fine. I got the worst of it, but nothing more than fatigue and migraine. They’re already exposed so taking extra precautions isn’t going to do much. People forget that even quarantining in your room doesn’t stop air from circulating throughout your whole house through vents. You cough, germs spread, travel through vents and filters aren’t 100%. Don’t stress it too much. It’s happened. Treat the symptoms, take some vitamins, and rest.”

“I just got out of quarantine and have a 2.5-year-old. I am also 14 weeks pregnant. When I spoke to my daughter’s doctor she told me to be more worried about myself and that if my daughter got it, it would likely only result in a runny nose, minor cough, and maybe a rash. She hasn’t shown any symptoms but is in her 14-day quarantine now that mine is over. It will be ok!”

“I had it and nobody else in my house got it. Four kids and a husband who didn’t leave me TF alone. You’ll be ok.”

“Sequester yourself as much as possible. Wear a mask inside. Use a separate bathroom from the rest of the family. My cousin got it and her husband and child didn’t.”

“My husband and I had it, we had nowhere to keep the kids other than with us so we did. They tested positive a couple of days later but were fine. They had no symptoms and the same energy. My doctor said just make sure they wash their hands a lot and there isn’t much you can do. We did wear masks the whole time and I prepped their food with gloves on.”

“I can say that I haven’t really heard of it affecting kids at all. Google it! I’m pretty sure they can spread, but they don’t get the more serious symptoms.”

“My family had it and couldn’t stay away (since I had to care for them) from my kids. They both had asthma but my husband and I stayed a good distance from the kids and wore our masks in our home when the kids were around.”

“Myself & my entire family had COVID-19 in October including my 3 year old son. He only had minor symptoms. He acted less sick than us adults. To be safe though I would wear a mask around them & wash hands often.”

“I had it along with my whole family. I have a now 7-month-old and a 2-year-old. My advice is to do your best to stay clear of them until you are better. However, if they do get it pay attention to their symptoms and treat those. For example, my baby has a fever so we treated it with Tylenol. My 2-year-old complained of a headache and had a fever, we used Tylenol. None of us had significant breathing issues though I let the two youngest sleep in my room with us. Baby co-slept and 2 YO slept on floor pillows…

… It gave me peace of mind when I was also so sick that I didn’t have much energy. They also had significant fatigue so they slept a lot too. We made sure we all stayed hydrated though as well. We are all better now but it was 3 days of extreme exhaustion and then every day was a bit better than before. It took a bit longer for smell and taste to return. Prayers and positive healing vibes to you.”

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