Mamas Uncut

Expectant Mom Who Didn’t Know She Contracted COVID-19 Collapsed to the Floor in Pain and Gave Birth; Their Baby Died 3 Days Later

Days after a mother met her infant baby boy for the first time, he passed away from COVID-19 after she tested positive for the novel coronavirus. Coolio Carl Justin Morgan was born on May 2.

According to the Daily Mail, at the time of his birth, he was noted to have a rather low heart rate. His birth came moments after his mother, who was battling COVID-19, collapsed as a result.

Expectant Mom Who Didn't Know She Contracted COVID-19 Collapsed to the Floor in Pain and Gave Birth; Their Baby Died 3 Days Later | Right before Kimberly collapsed, she told some of the medical staff that "something wasn't right," the boy's father explained.

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As Coolio’s father, Carl Morgan, shared with the Daily Mail, he was their “miracle baby.” Sadly, the infant passed away at three days old on May 5. Coolio’s primary cause of death was “severe hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy, “meaning the brain is starved of blood and oxygen,” and the secondary cause of death was labeled as Maternal COVID-19.

Coolio’s mom, Kimberly, didn’t know she had the virus until after she gave birth. Right before Kimberly collapsed, she told some of the medical staff that “something wasn’t right,” Carl told the Daily Mail.


“She took two of the tablets and shortly afterward collapsed on the floor in agony. By now the baby’s head was showing and they had to try and get baby out quickly, but it was too late for him. The night before, I’d watched Coolio kicking like mad inside Kim’s tummy. I just can’t believe any of this happened. It is beyond cruel.”

The first time Coolio got to meet his dad was on the day he died.

According to the grieving father, Coolio had also tested positive for COVID-19 and as a result, Carl wasn’t allowed to hold him until the day he passed away. “They told me he’d tested positive for coronavirus too, which meant I wouldn’t be allowed to see him or hold his hand. The only time I saw him was on the last day of his life. Singleton waited until Kim was well enough to come with me to say goodbye to him, then they turned his machine off.”

The father believes Kimberly contracted the virus while in the hospital preparing to give birth.


Carl claimed that the maternity ward was right next to a “packed COVID-19” wing of the hospital. Coolio was Carl and Kimberly’s first child together. They called him their “miracle boy” because they thought they were too old to have children being that they were both in their forties.

“We both… given up on the idea,” he told the Daily Mail. “But then our miracle baby came along and we were so excited… but three days later the poor little lad was in a box.”


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The family plans on holding a small 10-person memorial service to lay their baby boy to rest.

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