Mamas Uncut

Mom Packed a Nerve Gun in Her Hospital Bag So That She Could Wake Her Husband up at a Moments Notice Following the Arrival of Their Child

Labor; it’s easily one of the hardest things a women’s body will ever be put through. It’s exhausting and emotional, but when it’s all said and done, a beautiful little being is waiting for you on the other side.

And as one mom pointed out, those first nights in the hospital during and after labor can also be nerve-racking. So having extra support from your husband is a must. She also revealed the “mom-hack” she used to ensure that when she needed help, her husband would be awake to help her.

Mom Reveals She Packed a Nerf Gun in Her Hospital Bag to Wake Up Husband

In December 2019, while still in the hospital following the arrival of their youngest child, Samantha Mravik-Miller shared her mom-hack with the rest of the Facebook world. She wrote, “Mom hack level 10,000. Worried about the nights in the hospital with your newborn and dad sleeping? Well… then don’t forget one of these in your hospital bag.”

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Mom Brings Nerf Gun Into Delivery Room to Keep Husband Awake
Samantha Mravik-Miller/Facebook

Samantha then shared a picture of the nerf gun she packed. As Samantha explained to CafeMom, she came up with the idea following the birth of her first child, who is now 6 years old. The mom said her husband, who could sleep through a nuclear bomb, would sleep through their child’s cries.

“[Chase] was really fussy after his birth because he breathed in the meconium from having a bowel movement before birth. I remember having been on oxygen, I had no voice. My call button was out of reach. I resorted to throwing a water bottle at him to get his help and I missed.”

Having learned from her past experiences, Samantha knew she needed to be prepared this time around. So while packing her hospital bag for the December 12 birth of their youngest child, she grabbed one of her son’s nerf guns.

Samantha also shared a video on Facebook talking about her decision to pack the nerf gun. You can watch that below:

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She told CafeMom, “This time I had to have a C-section, so I knew I was going to be less mobile than the last time. I thought ‘Heck no,’ and with the 400 Nerf guns we have and being an all-boy mom, I have some good aim.”

Samantha also shared her husband’s reaction to finding the nerf gun in her bag. “He was like, ‘Ummm babe … why is there a Nerf gun in your bag?” Luckily, the mom admitted she didn’t have to use the toy gun this time around and that her husband is an amazing father.

So far, her post has been shared over 16,000 times. But that didn’t really surprise Samantha, who joked, “I knew I couldn’t have been the only mom who looked at her husband snoring away with useless man nipples after birth and wanted to take a shot with a Nerf gun.”

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