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Mom Speaks Out After Being Told to Stop ‘Babying’ Her 4-Year-Old Son, and Her Response Is Both Perfect and Important

Caitlin Fladager: Mom Speaks Out After Being Told to Stop 'Babying' Her 4-Year-Old Son, and Her Response Is Both Perfect and Important

This mama is sick and tired of people criticizing her for “coddling” her 4-year-old son and is shutting down the shamersCaitlin Fladager let her frustration out in a recent Facebook post, specifically calling out negative stereotypes surrounding boys. In the now-viral post, Fladager hits back at someone who told her to stop babying her son.

As of this writing, Fladager’s post has accumulated more than 16,000 likes and more than 34,000 shares on Facebook.

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“I’m so tired of being told I ‘baby’ my son. ⁣⁣Now, with him being four, he gets hurt? He runs crying for mommy. ⁣⁣He’s sick? He wants all the mom cuddles. ⁣⁣He’s overtired and fighting his sleep? I’m climbing into bed with him until he calms down,” writes Caitlin. 

She goes on to explain that there is nothing wrong with the fact that her son comes to her for comfort. 

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“He is not ‘weak’ or less than for showing emotion and needing me. I am raising him to know men can cry, too.”

“I’m constantly told I need to let him ‘be a man’ or let him learn he can’t cry. Well, I’m here to tell you that’s a load of sh*t. ⁣⁣He will always be my baby. I will always validate his feelings. I will always kiss his boo-boos better.”

The mom-of-two explains that she is raising both of her children to express their emotions. 

“⁣⁣I am teaching my kids that their feelings are important. That they can cry when they are upset. That they can call on me anytime, and I will come running with arms open. I’m teaching that to both my daughter and son.”

“⁣⁣I will ignore your judgmental looks. ⁣⁣I will ignore you telling me I baby him too much. ⁣⁣I will ignore you telling me I need to ‘toughen him up.'”

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“⁣⁣He is my child. He is not ‘weak’ or less than for showing emotion and needing me. I am raising him to know men can cry, too. Men can have needs, too. Men can get overwhelmed, too. ⁣Maybe if tearful little boys were comforted instead of shamed, we wouldn’t have so many men struggling to emphasize with emotions.”

Major love to this mama for raising an emotionally intelligent, strong son!

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