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Mom Thanks Heroic Passengers and Crew for Saving Her Baby’s Life After In-Flight Seizure

Janay Flowers: Baby Has Seizure on Flight

Janay Flowers: Baby Has Seizure on Flight

Janay Flowers was flying with her 11-month-old daughter, Nevaeh, from Tampa, FL to Dallas, TX. 10 minutes from their destination, a real travel nightmare came to life: the baby suffered a febrile seizure.

“I was traveling alone with Nevaeh and did not have a clue what to do but cry out for help,” Flowers said in an Instagram post. “Two people immediately came to aid my baby and found that she was burning up. They took her onesie off and she was running a serious fever, her toes were blue, and she could barely breath [sic]. They called out for any doctors on the plane and about 3-4 additional people came running to help also.”

Flowers told local news station Fox 13 that she didn’t know if her baby would survive. Thankfully, many people on board rushed to help, and this story has a happy ending.

Heroes Arrive

After screaming for help, a nurse named Tiffany approached Flowers. She then turned Nevaeh on her side and pulled her tongue out of her mouth in order to clear her airway. She was assisted by another passenger named Alvin, according to Fox 13.

Flowers tried to keep her baby calm by singing “You Are My Sunshine” as more help arrived.

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Other passengers and flight crew swooped in to help. One man administered oxygen to Nevaeh. Another man took her pulse. When the plane landed, paramedics were ready to come in and take over.

Flowers says that Nevaeh had never had a seizure before, which surely made the whole ordeal more confusing and terrifying. But good news came from the doctors, who examined her and said there were no underlying health issues to be concerned about.

What a horrible, horrible experience to have to endure! But we’re just glad mama and baby are doing OK. And we’re so, so grateful for all of the heroes who swooped in to help save little Nevaeh’s life.

[FOX 13]

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