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Mom Angry After Her Middle Schooler Was Quarantined For Having Her Period At School

One mom is beyond angry after her daughter’s middle school sent the girl home, mistaking fatigue from her period, for COVID-19 symptoms.

The eighth-grader from Fort Myers, Florida, returned with strict orders to quarantine for 10 days straight, but after a trip to the doctor, the girl was told she did not have coronavirus but rather, her period.

Mom Angry After Kid Quarantined For Having Period At School
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Gayle’s daughter didn’t have a fever or cough.

It all started when Sheila Gayle got a call while she was at home asking her to pick up her daughter from Lexington Middle School. The eighth grader had popped into the school’s nurse’s office that day complaining of fatigue, and the school nurse decided to send her home, fearing she had COVID-19.

The student was pulled from school on October 12.

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Despite having no other symptoms that were related to the coronavirus, the nurse sent the student home with a medical form which stated her fatigue could be linked to the coronavirus.

The very next day, Gayle found herself driving to her daughter’s primary care provider — asking for a coronavirus test. Gayle and her daughter were not surprised when the test came back negative.

Gayle revealed to Fox 4 how her daughter just told the nurse how she was feeling sick and tired from her period but the nurse suspected it was something else.

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Gayle was asking her daughter’s pediatrician for a doctor’s note explaining how her fatigue was due to her menstrual cycle.

“This what it’s come down to? So every month I have to come when she’s on her cycle? It’s just ridiculous at this point,” she revealed to the news outlet.

“Just to have fatigue, because you’re tired?” the mother added. “That’s unacceptable.”

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