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Mom and Photographer Team Together to Create Epically Terrifying Undead Maternity Photos

Mom and Photographer Team Together to Create Epically Terrifying Undead Maternity Photos

SBS Photography, LLC

Ashley and Jordan Olson hoped she wouldn’t go into labor during the maternity shoot they planned just eight days before her due date. However, as the couple’s photographer, Samantha Martin, revealed on Facebook, Ashley and Jordan’s undead maternity photoshoot was anything but normal.

Martin, the photog who owns SBS Photography, LLC, explained that while most expectant parents choose to do “a cute Fall maternity shoot,” Ashley had something a little different in mind. Instead of thinking smiles and warm, welcoming colors, the mom-to-be was thinking “the undead.”

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Being that Ashley’s due date was in October, the same month as Halloween, the mom and the photographer decided to stay on-brand. And as the pictures show, their undead maternity photoshoot turned out to be terrifying, original, awesome and did we mention terrifying?

In an interview with CafeMom, Martin said a Halloween-themed photoshoot wasn’t their initial plan. But because Martin knew Ashley loved all thing spooky, she shared the idea with the expectant mom. And Ashley ended up loving it.

“My mom loves Halloween and I always grew up with the house decorated around that time of year. But she likes the ‘Happy Halloween-style.’ I think I’m more of a spooky-type now.”

Martin told CafeMom that she found Ashley’s black dress on Amazon and that Ashley picked out the crown herself. They also did the special-effects makeup all on their own. “[Ashley] came up with the idea of a zombie-like mouth, and she did her mouth and I did her husband’s claw marks!”

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The photographer said she had been wanting “to try something new for so long and never had anyone that would be okay with doing something out of the norm.” And it was because the Olson’s maternity shoot was so out of the norm that Martin said she “loved everything about it!”

And so did other people. After posting a handful of photos from the shoot to Facebook, they’ve been shared by nearly 2,000 other people. And most of the feedback has been positive, albeit Martin says they have received some backlash, but that was something she expected.

But the one person who needed to love it the most was Ashley, and according to Martin, Ashley was “so hyped” about the finished photos that she posted them before Martin could. Ashley wrote on Facebook:

“‘Normal is an illusion. What is normal to the spider is chaos to the fly.’ -Morticia Addams We choose a spooky maternity session for our little pumpkin. Samantha Martin killed it! (See what I did there.) […] This shoot was days in the making and obviously wouldn’t have been made possible without her creative vision and our brilliant spooky brains working together. She deserves the recognition! Happy spooky season!”

Martin told CafeMom that she hopes Ashley and Jordan’s shoot will encourage other people to think outside the box. “It’s OK to not want to stick to the norm all the time, and people should embrace creativity!”

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