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Mom Admits Breast Milk Leaks From Her Armpit When She Nurses

Mom Admits Breast Milk Leaks From Her Armpit When She Nurses


One mom had her breast milk leak somewhere where you’d least expect it: her armpit.

Utah mom, Lindsay White, first went viral on TikTok for the bizarre incident before making an appearance on The Doctors.

“One day, I was feeding [my daughter] Allie and realized her hair was soaking wet,” said Lindsay, in a TikTok video from July.

“Then I realized it was coming from my armpit. I thought I was just really sweaty, but I noticed this huge lump and thought, ‘What is that?’ So, I squeezed it and HOLY S—, milk squirted out.”

“I went to the doctor thinking maybe I had a third nipple,” White explained, “but she said, ‘Nope. Your milk line actually runs all the way up through your armpits.'”

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White’s doctor revealed that the milk line is called “the Tail of Spence.” And when she spoke to BuzzFeed, she revealed it is “not uncommon for women to have milk ducts that leak throughout that milk line, like your armpit.”

Many were shocked by the breast milk clip and one user even wondered out loud if she may have had something similar happen to her breast milk.

“Omg in the first few months of breastfeeding my armpits would feel itchy and uncomfortable. That explains a lot.”

While another user joked: “Reason number 239879 to not have kids.”

When appearing on “The Doctors,” White also added that it was not just an isolated incident — as it has continued to happen with all of her babies, and usually, it is pretty painful.

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“My doctor said that leaking milk from your armpits is totally normal and that I was actually super lucky mine leaked because sometimes the milk is unable to leak and it can cause all kinds of issues, like clogged milk ducts and mastitis,” Lindsay added.

When her armpit typically swells up, a firm mound that looks something like a golf ball begins to form beneath the skin. And due to the pain, her husband often sits beside her while she breastfeeds and rubs the swollen spot to relieve some pressure. If not, she has to deal with the leakage on her own.

Lindsay is the owner of The Little Milk Bar, her personal brand that empowers breastfeeding parents. She is from Salt Lake City and has two kids, Allie (9) and Koda (4). She just had her third child!

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