Mamas Uncut

Mom Accidentally Flashes Daughter’s Entire Digital Classroom, Lives to Tell the Mortifying Tale

Homeschooling is getting the best of a lot of us at the moment, but maybe none more so than this mom who recently shared what might be the most embarrassing quarantine story to come out of this whole mess.

Meghan Maza Oeser, a mom-of-six, recently shared a post on Facebook that has since gone viral. In the post, she recounts the cringeworthy saga of how she ended up flashing her daughter’s entire classroom over a Google Hangouts video meeting.

“Day #1 of e-learning…,” Oeser’s post begins. “I’m not EVEN going to get into what a giant sh*tshow of a day today’s e-learning session was. Y’all…I have PATIENCE!!! So much, in fact, that I decided SIX children (including ALL day, 9 month pregnancy vomit fests) was a good idea.”

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Right off the bat, we know this is going to get good. Good for those of us in need of an entertaining story, that is. Bad for Oeser, certainly.

Oeser goes on to describe how she was already struggling a bit with her day and with the work of e-learning, which she must oversee for all of her school-aged children. Her post continues:

I decided that my 7 day streak of wearing the same sweatpants needed to come to an end. The orange Cheeto residue that fell onto the floor after removing my bra was also another solid indicator that it was time. So I shower…and reach for my favorite towel. Y’all shop Costco? Ever stumble across their amazing 8 foot long bath sheets? They’re HUGE…and soft AF…and wash up like a dream. Let me go ahead and tell you why they’re not for me though… Sh*t. Is. HEAVY. You guys know what happens to a super huge a** heavy towel draped over the body of someone that could pretty much represent the Lollipop Guild? It slips.

Mom Accidentally Flashes Daughter's Entire Digital Classroom, Lives to Tell the Mortifying Tale
Meghan Maza Oeser / Facebook

And now the story really begins taking shape. Next, Oeser says, she went into her bedroom, still donning her towel, and sat for a moment, watching her kids do “PE” outside the window and texting a friend. A short-lived moment of reprieve before…

“A kid walks in. I won’t say which kid, but it was a kid that KNOWS how absolutely birdbrained her next move was. Comes AT me…with her phone…her PHONE…facing ME. Phone ???????? facing ???????? ME ???????? And whispers… ‘How do I end this?'”

Oh no. By now, you probably see exactly where this is going. Except it’s so much worse (but better for us, as readers) than you’re expecting.

“How does she end WHAT, you ask? The MFing LIVE GOOGLE HANGOUT with her ENTIRE classroom!!!” Aahh, there it is…

“So there I am…heavy towel…that fell around my waist…with my 40-something-year-old t*tties staring Mrs. Definitelygonnaneedsometherapyafterthis RIGHT in the face!!!”


Cringing. Cringing. Laughing… But cringing.

“My boobs. Were in. Her face.” But there’s one more twist, too…

“And since my brain, now misfiring in EVERY direction as to what in TactualF to do next, is completely cashed out from e-learning…I stand up…to flip her phone to the ceiling…and casually then don my late 70’s Coronabush™️”

OMG. Can you. IMAGINE?! But also “Coronabush” is GENIUS!


“End call,” Oeser ended her post, which, as of this writing, has been shared more than 93,000 times on Facebook and has more than 26,000 comments.

We’re thankful for the laugh. And we’ll be locking our bedroom doors during school hours from now on.

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