Mamas Uncut

Sergeant Says It Was ‘The Hands of God’ That Miraculously Saved Father and Teen Daughter in PA Plane Crash

Emergency responders are thanking an iPad and a high power for saving a father and daughter’s life after their small plane crashed in Pennsylvania. According to WNEP, a plane carrying a 58-year-old father and his 13-year-old daughter went missing after it entered a rapid descent shortly after it departed from Wilkes-Barre Scranton International Airport. 

Emergency personnel searched for the plane for nearly five hours before police were able to locate it thanks to the GPS system on the 13-year-old’s iPad. The plane had crashed between Bald Mountain Road and Suscon Road in Bear Creek Township.

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The GPS on the iPad and the father’s cell phone lead emergency responders right to the crash site. Miraculously the father and daughter were found alive.

Searchers found the father and daughter huddled together for warmth. Police say both of the survivors were in a “pre-hypothermic state.”

“The daughter saves both of them by using her iPad and her dad was cuddling the daughter to give her warmth because they were both exposed to the elements and were suffering from hypothermia at the time,” PA State Police Sergeant John Richards told WNEP.

Sgt. Richards continued by saying he never saw a plane crash in the way this plane did, and eventually described it as a miracle. “The truth is I never expected to find two people alive, never expected that. Thought this was going to be a fatal accident. In 28 years, any accident I’ve handled, this type, that’s what it’s turned out to be. Nobody was more surprised than when I looked at them in their eyes and they looked at me and start talking. Nobody was more surprised than me.” 

Sergeant Says It Was 'The Hands of God' That Miraculously Saved Father and Teen Daughter in PA Plane Crash

Sergeant Says It Was ‘The Hands of God’ That Miraculously Saved Father and Teen Daughter in PA Plane Crash

Sgt. Richards said he thoroughly believes a higher power was watching over the father and daughter when their plane went down. “The hands of God, I’m not trying to be evasive of your question, but the only reason why those two were alive is because of God’s presence. And the only way I can explain it is because there has to be a higher being that was taking care of them.”

The sergeant went on to describe the father and daughter’s demeanor when they finally located them.

“They were very scared at first. Dad was extremely scared when I first approached thinking there was an animal or something approaching his daughter. We explained who we were that we were there to help. And immediately they start talking to us and were cooperative the whole way. They helped us every which way they could.”

At this time, it is unclear what caused the plane to crash. Both the father and daughter have been taken to the hospital. The status of their health also remains unclear. Hopefully, they are expected to make full recoveries.

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