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Michigan Woman Accidentally Glues Eyes Shut, Almost Loses Vision

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A woman from Michigan was close to losing her vision last week after she accidentally used her nail glue bottle as eye drops.

Yacedrah Williams said she went to sleep with her contact lenses in, but woke up at 1 a.m. and wanted to take them out as her eyes were dry. 

Michigan Woman Glues Eyes Shut, Almost Loses Vision
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Williams said she reached inside her purse and grabbed what she believed to be eye drops.

But they weren’t — instead, Williams took a similarly sized white bottle of nail glue which she usually uses to repair broken nails.

Williams was with her husband when she realized what she had done.

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“I was like, ‘oh my goodness,’ and it dropped in my eye and I tried to wipe it away and it sealed my eye shut,” Williams said. “I just started throwing cold water and I was trying to pull my eyes apart, but I couldn’t. And I was just screaming for him to call 911.”

Williams was quickly rushed to an area hospital where doctors opened her eye and removed her contact lens — they later revealed how her contact lenses likely saved her vision.

“They said that contacts saved my vision. They kept saying, ‘you’ll probably lose your lashes,’ which I did because they had to pull on it and flip the top of my lid,” Williams revealed.

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Dr. George Williams of Beaumont Health reveals how if you should ever get anything in your eye, you should immediately try and flush it out by using a nearby faucet or bottle of water. He noted that it will make a mess, but “you may save your vision.”

“If it’s any comfort to her, she’s not the first person to make this mistake,” he added. 

Back in 2015, a Florida woman by the name of Katie Gaydos, glued her eye shut after a friend accidentally handed her fingernail glue instead of Visine. It all happened after a leaf blower caused a piece of debris to land in her eye.

“It’s stuck to my eyelids and my eyeball and it really hurts,” she said at the time.

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