Mamas Uncut

Michelle Obama Wants to Spread Awareness About Menopause Symptoms Through Her Own Experience

Debby Wong / Shutterstock

On the cusp of turning 59 years old, former First Lady Michelle Obama knows far too well the impact menopause has on a woman’s body. Now that she has her own experience with it, she wants to help other women prepare for the many changes they can expect as they age and enter menopause. 

In fact, having that information available is something Obama was deprived of as she prepared for menopause – and something she wants to change for other women. She doubled down on that sentiment while promoting her upcoming book titled The Light We Carry – which is set for a November 15 release.

“There is a lot we don’t know. There is not a lot of conversation about menopause. I’m going through it, and I know all of my friends are going through it. And the information is sparse,” said Obama. She finds that spending time with her girlfriends promotes a comforting environment to talk about those things.

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Michelle Obama opened up about some of the symptoms she experiences as a result of menopause – most notably, the weight gain. While she tries not to get too caught up with the number on the scale, she admitted to being more mindful of her weight – calling it a ‘slow creep that you just don’t realize.’ 

She still works out and makes it a point to stay physically active, but is aware that she can’t workout like she used to. “I find that I cannot push myself as hard as I used to. That doesn’t work out for me. That’s when I tear a muscle or pull something and then I’m out. The recovery time is not the same,” she says. 

Instead of trying to go overboard with her workouts, she instead focuses on stretching, flexibility, and balance – noting her goal is to stay fit but be kind to her body in the process. Where she used to take pride in her ‘Michelle Obama arms,’ she likes to keep it simple now and just wants to ‘keep moving.’

While her menopause symptoms have affected her life, Obama understands how blessed she is. “I think my skin still feels healthy. My hair is still in my head. These are the things that I have to count my blessings for,” Obama continued. I’ve had to change the way I see myself in my health space.”

Michelle Obama Releasing her Third Book on November 15th!

Michelle Obama Wants to Spread Awareness About Menopause Symptoms Through Her Own Experience
EPG_EuroPhotoGraphics / Shutterstock

On July 21, 2022, Penguin Random House announced the upcoming release of The Light We Carry by Michelle Obama – which will be available in the US and Canada on November 15, 2022. It’ll be her third over the past decade – she previously released American Grown in 2012 and Becoming in 2018. 

According to the announcement made by the publisher, Obama’s newest book reflects on ‘change, challenge, and power, including her belief that when we light up for others, we can illuminate the richness and potential of the world around us.’ She wants to help others find new ‘pathways for progress.’

To commemorate the release and Obama’s accomplishments throughout her life, Penguin Random House is introducing an annual $10,000 “Michelle Obama Award for Memoir” within its signature Creative Writing Awards (CWA) program – which has awarded nearly $3 million to high schoolers since 1993. 

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After her previous book earned a slew of accolades – including New York Times Notable Book of the Year and USA Today’s #1 Book of the Year – many fans are eager to see what she has in store for us this time around. In the meantime, take a moment to check out her previous two books, if you haven’t already.

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