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Meghan McCain Pens Powerful Essay After Suffering Miscarriage

Meghan McCain Pens Essay After Miscarriage

Meghan McCain recently revealed that she suffered a miscarriage several weeks ago. In a moving op-ed piece for The New York Times, McCain, 34, shared emotional details about her miscarriage experience. “I love my baby, and I always will,” she begins the piece.

McCain was photographed by the Times for a feature article on The View, on which McCain is a co-host. She writes that the photoshoot and attention for the show should have been a “moment of triumph,” but that she was struggling. 

McCain’s doctor confirmed she was miscarrying the day of the photoshoot. “I look back at those pictures now, and I see a woman hiding her shock and sorrow,” she writes. “I am posed for the camera, looking stern and strong, representing my fellow conservative women across the country. But inside, I am dying. Inside, my baby is dying.” 

McCain took a few days off from work and hoped to keep the news private. Unfortunately, rumors started to spread. McCain shares that she went public with the news because miscarriages are “distressingly common.” 

She hopes that by writing the op-ed, she can help other women who have dealt with miscarriage. “Because even to this day, the subject of a miscarriage is a pain too often unacknowledged. Yet it is real, and what we have lost is real. We feel sorrow and we weep because our babies were real.” 

In the piece, McCain also talks about blaming herself for “anything and everything” and for the miscarriage specifically, but acknowledges it was not her fault. In fact, one in 10 women suffers a miscarriage during known pregnancies.

McCain takes comfort in the idea that her father, John McCain, was waiting for his granddaughter in the hereafter. “To the end of my days I will remember this child – and whatever children come will not obscure that,” she shared.

We sincerely appreciate Meghan McCain’s bravery and candor in discussing such a sensitive issue like miscarriage. Our thoughts are with McCain and her family during this trying time.

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