Mamas Uncut

Meghan Markle Explains Why, for Father’s Day Gift, She Bought Prince Harry This Gift

In Meghan Markle‘s first interview since her and Prince Harry‘s time on Oprah, she opened up about what she got him for Father’s Day. In a conversation with NPR Weekend Edition, she explained the basis of her new book, The Bench.

Meghan Markle Got Harry The Sweetest 3rd Father's Day Gift!
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Meghan Markle wrote her husband a book for Father’s Day.

Meghan began by explaining how she came up with her book. She explained that for Harry’s first Father’s Day she was a bit stumped, saying, “As most of us do, you go, what am I going to get them as a gift?” She finally landed on a bench. Why a bench? Meghan explained that “I just wanted something sentimental and a place for him to have as a bit of a home base with our son.” 

The bench also had a sweet inscription; a poem Meghan wrote in the days after Archie was born. “This is your bench. Where life will begin/ For you and our son/ Our baby, our kin.”

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Meghan Markle found inspiration in that space she made for her husband and their children, saying, “I often find, and especially in this past year, I think so many of us realized how much happens in the quiet. It was definitely moments like that, watching them from out of the window and watching [my husband] just, you know, rock him to sleep or carry him or, you know … those lived experiences, from my observation, are the things that I infused in this poem.”

She also took heart from her and her husband’s relationship, explaining, “It’s really just about growing with someone and having this deep connection and this trust so that, be at good times or bad, you know that you had this person.” 

Related: Meghan Markle Wrote a Children’s Book Based on a Poem She Wrote for Prince Harry—Buy It Now on Amazon!

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Meghan Markle was conscious of representation when writing her book.

Meghan Markle explained why she was so intentional about diversity in her book, saying, “Growing up, I remember so much how it felt to not see yourself represented. Any child or any family hopefully can open this book and see themselves in it, whether that means glasses or freckled or a different body shape or a different ethnicity or religion.”

She continued, “I really hope that people can see this as a love story that transcends the story of my family.” The book “began as a love letter to my husband and son, [and] I’m encouraged to see that its universal themes of love, representation, and inclusivity are resonating with communities everywhere. In many ways, pursuing a more compassionate and equitable world begins with these core values.”

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