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Megan Fox Reveals Why She Chose to Send Her Children to a Vegan School and Opens Up About Her Unorthodox Parenting Style

Megan Fox Reveals Why She Chose to Send Her Children to a Vegan School and Opens Up About Her Unorthodox Parenting Style

Celebrity parents Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green are raising their children to really respect nature. In a recent interview with People at PUBG Mobile’s #Fight4TheAmazon event in Hollywood, California, Megan opened up about letting her kids be unique individuals.

She said it’s “really easy” to encourage her three kids — Journey River, 3, Bodhi Ransom, 5, and Noah Shannon, 7 — to be completely themselves. She elaborated by saying that she sends her kids to a vegan school and teaches them to respect all life. The interview is pretty interesting and a great window to view her parenting style through.

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Megan Fox on Sending Her Kids to an Organic, Vegan School, Plus a Peek Into Her Life as a Mom

When asked about her parenting style, Megan told People, “It’s about releasing control, right? That’s all it is.”

“It’s [about] allowing them to be who they are and relinquishing control, because they were born to be who they are, and it’s my job to support that process, not to get involved and micromanage and mold them into what I think they should be.”

“It’s [about] being of that mindset of realizing that they come as the teachers to us,” she continued. “We’re here to keep them alive, but we’re learning all the lessons from them.”

That’s a beautiful way to frame parenting.

Brian, who was also interviewed, said, “We don’t encourage them to be themselves, we just encourage whoever they are.”

“I know for me, [the more time passes,] the more I really realize and am okay with the fact that they are people,” Brian said.

Interesting way for him to put that, but we’re not mad.

Megan talked about their lifestyle, “We send them to an organic, sustainable, vegan school where they’re seed-to-table, they plant their own food.”

She elaborated about the food at the kids’ school, “They grow it, they harvest it and they take it to local restaurants to sell it, so they understand how all of that works.”

Megan doesn’t want her children harming plants or animals. “We don’t step on ants; we don’t do things like that. We don’t rip flowers out of the ground, because we think they’re beautiful.”

“I teach them that plants are sentient beings,” Megan added. “they have feelings, thoughts, and emotions — so that’s what we’re doing.”

“My son accidentally stepped on a roly-poly once and he was devastated, and we had a full funeral for it,” Megan said.

She had a funeral for the insect. “We did a ceremony, we buried it, we lit sage, we released him back. So they’re very involved.”

“We decorate a lot,” Megan said when asked about upcoming holidays.

“My mom’s coming into town. We usually play a lot of board games as a family around the holidays, just typical stuff like that.”

Sounds like a pretty good plan for the holidays.

The couple recently attended The PUBG Mobile’s #Fight4TheAmazon event where they were interviewed. Both Brian and Megan are climate activists.

When they’re not fighting climate change or raising their 3 vegan, children, the couple tries to find time for a date.

Like all parents, it’s hard finding time away from the kids. “We go see movies at like 11 in the morning. We go have lunch,” Brian said.

The whole interview proves that there’s no one way to raise your kids. It’s not only interesting, but it’s pretty brave for Megan and Brian to open up about their parenting style.

It’s so important for any role model to lead with their values. It’s great that Megan is leading her family with her moral compass.

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