Mamas Uncut

The Family of an Infant Kidnapped 30 Years Ago by His Babysitter Believes He Is Still Alive

At just four months old, Matthew Crocker was kidnapped by his babysitter and was never found. His family, though, believes he’s still alive.

Matthew’s mom was a single mom and had become friends with a woman who eventually moved into their house to help care for her four children, including Matthew.

The woman, who went by the name Kathy Johnson, disappeared with Matthew on June 9, 1983.

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4-Month Old Matthew Crocker Went Missing 30 Years Ago, But His Family Believes He Is Still Alive

Matthew Crocker: The Family of an Infant Kidnapped 30 Years Ago by His Babysitter Believes He Is Still Alive
“Kathy Johnson” Sketch / Credit: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

Since then, police have been searching for the woman who can be identified by several tattoos: a unicorn on her left arm, “Kathy” on her right arm, and a green-and-yellow star on her chest. She also has a long scar on the back of her right shoulder, according to local police.

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Over the years, police have gotten some leads, but none have them have panned out. It’s left his family, including his sister Elizabeth, left wondering what he’s like today.

“I don’t know if he has kids, and do they look like mine? And do I look like him? Do we have similar personality traits?… I wonder so many things,” his sister said.

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What Matthew Crocker May Look Like Today

Composite of Matthew Crocker / Credit: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

Elizabeth and her family believe that Matthew is still alive and hope to meet him one day.

“We want to find him so bad… even though he didn’t get to be a part of our family, hopefully he was loved and had a normal, happy life,” his sister said. “I just feel that he is alive, and I feel like we will find him.”

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