Mamas Uncut

Source Says Matthew Coleman’s Wife Still Loves Him But She Fears Him After He Allegedly Killed Their Two Children

While talking with an anonymous source with intimate knowledge of the Coleman family, People reports that Matthew Coleman’s wife is “haunted” by her husband’s alleged actions.

As Mamas Uncut previously reported, Matthew Coleman is accused of killing his 2-year-old son and 10-month-daughter on August 9, 2021. Reports believed Coleman killed his two children with a spearfishing gun after he got wrapped up in the conspiratorial world of QAnon.

Source Says Matthew Coleman’s Wife Still Loves Him But She Fears Him After He Allegedly Killed Their Two Children | While talking with an anonymous source with intimate knowledge of the Coleman family, People reports that Matthew Coleman’s wife is “haunted” by her husband’s alleged actions.

Now, a friend close to the family is revealing that his wife, Abby, still has a lot of questions. “No one knows what was going through his mind.”

Source Says Matthew Coleman’s Wife Also Studied QAnon But Had No Idea How Far Her Husband Went Before He Killed Their Two Children 

RELATED: New Court Documents Reveal Matthew Coleman’s Wife Researched QAnon With Him Before Child Murders

According to the source, Abby has also studied QAnon theories and discussed them openly with the police. However, the friend says Abby doesn’t go as far as Matthew did.

“She thinks that so many things are going on behind the scenes, that there’s a battle between good and evil. What she doesn’t believe is the lizard people. She knows who she is, and knows that Matthew’s belief was wrong. She just doesn’t know what he was going to do about it. But once your husband kills your kids with a spearfishing gun, you know that you’re in danger. And she is smart enough to realize that she very well could have been his third victim.”


As the family friend continued telling People, “Abby is plagued with questions. What was he going to tell her when he got home without the kids? Was he going to get violent with her? Did he want to kill her? She has no idea.”

“Knowing that he believed that she had serpent DNA means that she was a threat in his mind. So she thinks he wanted to kill her next. She is haunted about what would have happened if he wasn’t stopped at the border. She may have been in danger and didn’t even know it.”

The friend added that he can’t even imagine how Abby can “even begin to process” what she’s been through. “She realizes that she was sleeping next to a stranger. And it appears a stranger who thought that she was an alien sent here to destroy humanity.”

On August 7, 2021, Matthew and Abby were packing for a family trip when he quickly put his two children in their van and drove away from their Santa Barbara home. Matthew crossed the border into Mexico as Abby called local police to report her husband’s unusual behavior.

Abby said she and her husband weren’t arguing at the time and everything was fine. As a result, she told the police she didn’t believe her children were in any danger. She believed Matthew would return with their children in good health.

Sadly, that wasn’t the case. After arriving at a ranch in Mexico, Matthew would claim the lives of his two children and return to the hotel he was staying at. He was arrested after trying to cross the border back into the United States.

He allegedly told the authorities that he acted because he believed the QAnon conspiracy that “reptilians are masquerading as people to overthrow humanity.” He believed his wife was the one who possessed serpent DNA but couldn’t determine if she was a “shapeshifter or not.”

Matthew is currently being held without bond and is undergoing psychological evaluations. He pleaded not guilty to two counts of foreign murder of United States nationals.

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