Mamas Uncut

Matt Damon’s Daughter, 15, Refuses To See Good Will Hunting Because She’s Afraid She’ll Like It


These past few weeks, in promotional interviews for his upcoming film Stillwater, actor Matt Damon has revealed who his toughest critics are; his teenage daughters.

Matt Damon’s teenagers are making sure he keeps his ego in check.

Matt Damon's Daughter, 15, Refuses To See Good Will Hunting
Serge Rocco /

Last week on CBS Sunday Morning Matt Damon explained what it’s like to be a parent to teenage daughters. He said, “I can’t get away with anything. I’m sure it’s the same for most parents.” He also revealed that his daughters don’t believe in their father’s superstar power, saying, “They’re entering that adolescence, that age where dad’s really not cool. I try to explain to them how cool I really am — they’re not buying it.”

Matt Damon’s daughters also try to keep their father humble. He continues by explaining how one of his daughters is only willing to watch his bad movies. “Well, my one daughter … If she thinks I’m going to be good in the movie, she won’t watch it. If she thinks the movie’s bad, if it gets bad reviews, then she’s all in.”

He tries to defend his work, but she made up her mind. He continued, “I’ve had to have this conversation with her, I’m like, ‘You know, we don’t get to see the movie before we make it, right? It’s always a gamble. You’re like, well, I like all the ingredients, this could really work out.’ Sometimes it doesn’t work out. Those are the ones she wants to see.”

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Matt Damon’s daughter refuses to see Good Will Hunting.

In his interview with Good Morning America last week, Matt Damon revealed his daughter Isabella thinks she might enjoy it so she specifically avoids it. He also opened up about the movie’s waning modern impact, saying “Sure, yeah—fewer and fewer. You know, younger people don’t know it as much. You know, my 15-year-old refuses to see it. She doesn’t want to see any movies that I’m in that she thinks might be good.”

He continued, “She just likes to give me s–t. My daughter said, ‘Yeah, remember that movie you did, The Wall?’ I said, ‘It was called The Great Wall.’ She goes, ‘Dad there’s nothing great about that movie.'” Her keeping him honest is good for him though, as “She keeps my feet firmly on the ground.” His daughters are still supportive of his work though, as he explained, “I like that they know that they love my job. They know it’s time-consuming and that it’s a lot of work and that it fills me up.”

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