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Man Reunites With Lost Cat While Shopping For Replacement At Maine Animal Shelter

An animal shelter in Maine reunited one owner with his lost cat when the man was in search of a replacement pet to help him cope with the disappearance of his feline pet, Cutie Pie.

Theron visited the Bangor Humane Society’s facilities over the weekend looking to adopt a cat “to heal his heart” because his own kitty, Cutie Pie, went missing about a week ago, the shelter wrote on Facebook.

Man Reunites With Lost Cat At Animal Shelter
Image via Shutterstock

“As he perused the kennels, he stopped to examine one of our friends a little more closely and when the cat turned to face him, Theron erupted with joy. THIS WAS HIS CUTIE PIE!!” the post continued.

“Theron’s camera roll was full of pictures of Cutie Pie, leaving no question that this reunion was the real deal!”

A photo posted by the shelter shows Theron holding the fluffy grey-and-white cat close.

Image via Bangor Humane Society

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“Cutie Pie found his way *back* to his forever home tonight,” the post read.

“(Let me just say I’ve honestly never seen a cat so eager to be in a cat carrier! He was SO ready to go home!)”

Close to 10 million pets are lost in the United States every year according to American Humane with millions ending up in animal shelters throughout the country.

Image via Shutterstock

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Just 15 percent of dogs and 2 percent of cats without ID tags or microchips are able to find their way back to their owners.

“This is the good stuff,” the Bangor Humane Society’s post concluded.

“We want to reunite as many animals as possible with their owners, and it’s an honor to keep them safe until that can happen.”

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