Mamas Uncut

Man Legally Changes Name To Celine Dion While Inebriated

Thomas Dodd, 30, is arguably Céline Dion‘s biggest fan….so much so that he took her name.

Dodd decided to make the big name shift after watching a concert of the 52-year-old on Christmas Eve because, well he adores her. Also, he got drunk and forgot about it.

Man Legally Changes Name To Celine Dion While Inebriated
Image via Facebook

“She [is] my go-to person I listen to when I need cheering up,” he shared with The Post via Twitter.

He revealed that most of the pandemic, he has spent watching concerts alone at home — including one by Dion over the holidays that he paired with Champagne.

And while enjoying her work, he forked over 89 pounds (about $122) and officially took her name thanks to an online application. How he got there, however, it is not entirely clear.

“I honestly, hand on heart, don’t remember doing it!” he said. “I remember watching the concert and remember getting rather tipsy.”

Image via Shutterstock

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A few days later, he came home from his job as a hospitality manager in Staffordshire, England, to discover an envelope with documentation waiting for him.

“I wasn’t aware I had done it until I found that envelope in my post,” he shared. “Initially, I had to sit down as I couldn’t believe it — so I then checked my bank which confirmed it all. Once it sunk in, I signed it straightaway as I bloody love her!” he said.

He then posted images of his “change of name deed” via Twitter (which has since been suspended) while also making “MR CELINE DION” social-media-official.

“Things have been pretty crazy over here since this morning” when his story took off at the start of the month, the world with all eyes on him. “I currently have paparazzi camped outside,” adding how his “inbox is full of Celine Dion fans asking me to record them a video message!”

Image via Shutterstock

Oh, and his new neighbors may raise some eyebrows…

“I’ve just moved into a small village and haven’t spoken to many people,” he said. “It’ll cause quite a stir when I tell them my new name.”

But one person who wasn’t too happy about it all? Take a wild guess…

“My mother wasn’t best pleased at first, but now she sees the funny side!” he said. “My friends have said they are not surprised! It was only a few week[s] back I hired an Elsa [from ‘Frozen’] tribute to perform on my driveway for me when I was drunk because I was bored! Anything is possible!”

Image via Twitter

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“As it stands – I’m keeping it!” but adds how it does sort of depend on “how difficult it makes my life!”

In the interim, he has high hopes he may get a chance to talk to the star whom he last saw in concert in 2019.

He is working with a radio station in fact to make it a reality….

“You might think I’m joking. I’ll need to be put on oxygen!” he said. “Just thinking about [it] is making my heart race and my eyes water. It would honestly mean the world and more.”

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