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One Man’s Halloween Decorations Are So Terrifying That Police Have Been Called Multiple Times

One Man's Halloween Decorations Are So Terrifying That Police Have Been Called Multiple Times


One artist is really freaking out his neighbors with his Halloween decor. So much so that police have been called multiple times as a result.

According to Fatherly, when it comes to Halloween, people usually go one of two ways. They either decorate their homes with cute and rustic decor or they go completely in the other direction and make it as terrifying as possible.


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Artist Steven Novak prefers the “scare you senseless” category. Just take a look at the Facebook photos he’s shared highlighting his extremely realistic Halloween decoration.

While talking to the Dallas Observer, going big when it comes to celebrating holidays is kind of Novak’s thing. And Halloween is no exception.

Novak Went the Terrifying Route When It Came to Decorating His House for Halloween

This year, Novak decided to go with a theme that can only be described as house robbery gone terribly, terribly wrong, ending with several severely injured and dismembered bodies.

“I’ve always been up to hijinks like flying ghosts or 7-foot tall snow sculptures of myself, so if I was gonna do Halloween, it was obvious that it should be hyperreal. No lights, fog machine, or camp … something that would really freak people out walking by in the dark. So I whipped up some dummies and slung 20 gallons of blood all over.”


Novak said he was going for hyperreal and he definitely succeeded. But because the decorations are super realistic, the police have been notified a few times.

“Neighbors told me cop cars were in front of my house a lot during the day,” he says. “I was only home twice to receive them. They told me they thought it was cool and that they were only there because they were required to reply to complaints from the sergeant.”

“They were in formation at the door and when I opened it they asked me if it was all mine. I asked, ‘You mean the blood and the bodies? Yeah, that’s me. Honestly, though, I think I could’ve used more. [My plans] were way worse on paper. Next year though!”

RELATED: 15 DIY Halloween Costumes That Are So Much Better Than Store-Bought


As for the decoration he’s most proud of. Novak said it’s the tipped over wheelbarrow for him.

“I’m most proud of the wheelbarrow tipped over by the street full of Hefty bags, looking like a failed attempt to dispose of the dismembered bodies in the middle of the night.” Novak told the Dallas Observer. “A kid walked by and asked me what happened to them; I said they ate too many Skittles.”

Welp, it looks like that kid won’t be eating Skittles any time soon.

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