Mamas Uncut

Mama June’s Daughters Anna and Jessica Show Off $120k Plastic Surgery Makeovers

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Mama June‘s daughters Anna Cardwell and Jessica Shannon are excited to share their full-body makeovers, thanks to their respective plastic surgery procedures which came to a total of $120,000.

Anna, 25, and Jessica, 23, had the surgeries during a visit to Los Angeles just last month — showing off their new smiles, breast lifts, and implants. In addition, they also added graphic photos of their bodies during the surgeries to reveal just how serious the procedures are.

Jessica shared her weight and dreams of becoming a plus-size model were massive motivators in her choice to follow through with plastic surgery.

Watch: Mama June’s Daughters Get $120K worth of plastic surgery.

“I’ve always struggled with like my weight, so I’ve tried to find different ways to help me out but like nothing’s ever helped,” Jessica revealed to DailyMailTV.

Both sisters agreed that the makeovers would boost their self-esteem and confidence.   

“I don’t have confidence in myself,’ Anna said. “Hopefully this will, you know, get it up there.”

“It’ll give me like a healthier lifestyle,” she added.   

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The two admitted how they were nervous about the procedures when DailyMailTV sat down with the women prior to their surgeries.

“I’m just not ready to go through this pain,” Anna revealed at the time. “I’m just a tad bit nervous.”

Jessica additionally shared how she was “nervous and scared.”

But the two soon got over the fear after their makeover journey began.

Jessica had surgery to insert an opera balloon in her stomach to promote weight loss and underwent a 350-lb. liposuction procedure.   

Mama June's Teen Daughter's Anna and Jessica Boast $120k Plastic Surgery Makeovers
Image via Instagram

Performed by Dr. Sam Kashani, her total bill came to $80,895 from the “weight loss balloon” procedure.

She also received liposuction “on her back, flanks and bra area,” as well as a tummy tuck from Dr. Michael K. Obeng.

When she was 230 pounds, Jessica began her journey to a new figure.

Currently, she is down to 185 pounds and hopes to become “a plus-sized model” in addition to finding a relationship.

She additionally had eight veneers installed from Dr. Amir Wahab who also operated on her sister.

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Jessica also had laser teeth whitening done, saying after the transformation: “It makes me feel real good.”

“The first week I just noticed my face was getting smaller and now I feel like every day when I wake up my waist is smaller.”

“Your confidence level goes up like extremely,” Jessica added. “There’s no looking back. I love what we did and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

Doctors reveal Jessica and Anna will not see the complete effects of their surgeries until they have fully healed.

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