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WATCH: Mama June’s Boyfriend Geno Doak Crashes SUV Into Garage While Under the Influence

Mama June's Boyfriend Geno Doak Crashes SUV

Mama June’s boyfriend, Geno Doak, doesn’t seem to be working on his sobriety. Doak, who was arrested earlier this year after drugs and drug paraphernalia were found in his and Mama June’s car, crashed his SUV into their garage over the weekend.

Witnesses told TMZ that Doak, who has a history of using crack cocaine, was barreling down the street, pulled quickly into Mama June’s driveway, and crashed into the garage. After crashing, he beeped the horn and June came out of the house.

RELATED: Everything You Need to Know About the Mama June and Honey Boo Boo Drama: A Timeline

TMZ shared video footage of the couple’s interaction following the crash. Watch below.

June, wearing a purple see-through nightgown, goes into the car to help Doak unfasten his seatbelt and get out. Doak stumbles out of the car in a state of undress and is clearly under the influence: he barely takes a few steps before falling back into the car.

Mama June tries to help him, but he slaps her away and starts punching the car windows. The video ends with Mama June continuing to coax Doak out of the car without much success.

According to TMZ, Alana Thompson, aka Honey Boo Boo, arrived at her mom’s house shortly after the video was posted to survey the damage.

Mama June and Geno Doak’s Troubled History

The volatile couple started dating several years ago and spiraled into drugs and violence. Following the couple’s arrest in March, June and Doak were told by the judge to stay away from each other. They didn’t heed the warning, though, and were seen together days later. Honey Boo Boo and her family also helped stage an intervention to get Mama June into rehab.  The intervention failed, and the couple continues to see each other despite her family’s pleas.

Last month, June’s family urged her to enter a rehab facility. Video from that intervention is below.

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